Bulls are ABSOLUTELY FUCKED if this daily RSI trend breaks. Everytime this has happened...

bulls are ABSOLUTELY FUCKED if this daily RSI trend breaks. Everytime this has happened, we have mostly gone down hard from the local peaks, and the way it looks right now, it is more likely than not that this will play out

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Not funny dude

I'm not trying to be funny. I am legitimately giving advice. Do your own due diligence, but the markets right now are really high risk of staying in,
I haven't sold everything yet though, but I have stoplosses ready on my alts so my net worth doesn't get nuked if shit hits the fan

Doesn't fucking matter. long term chad here. Going to keep DCA-ing into ETH and MATIC.

Nothing us going to happen. Its impossible to dump below 20k because sbf and cz don't want it to go any lower. Also watch us pump to 30k in one candle tomorrow

I am specifically referring to those who are going to rope if we dump. I don't want more suicides over funny internet money

*le rsi technical analyzoooor*

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i find this pump and dump interesting,right before the CPI.. someone knows something big is gonna happen this week

Your'e not giving advice yo're giving fud, big difference...

I hope it dumps. I wanna buy ETH at 800 again. It looks over-priced now.

Please happen. I've done some work in the industry and they still have to pay me on a USD peg.

Should I selled? I just buyeded!!1

Check the 2019 july - 2020 july period. It doesn't matter because we don't know the next step.

TA is always funny.

The only people buying crypto are poors thinking they found a golden Willy wonka ticket.

it only works on longer timeframes

and Any Forums

imagine not having a short above 24k

RSI is a trailing indicator, you absolute retard. What you think you're doing is looking ahead at clear skies and predicting a stormcloud, but what you're actually doing is looking at rain on the ground and noticing that it rained.

I'm not sure but if I understand what you say... This rain... The floodgates are open and you are an insider?

DCA chads slow slurping regardless of price

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