This country is completely fucked

This country is completely fucked.

The way pensions work in Germany, the current generation pays for the benefits of retired people. As the population is decreasing, this model isn't working any more.
However, since boomers are in majority, they can just keep voting for high pensions and block any necessary reforms.
Does any of you guys have an idea how this pyramid scheme will eventually end?

Attached: DE-Germany-Flag-icon.png (1024x1024, 5.66K)

That's how pensions work everywhere

Same here as a Swede. Current generation subsidises the pensioners. But when I'm a pensioner, who'll subsidize me? The permanently unemployed and/or criminal arab hordes? I'm not getting a pension and I know it.

Fresse alman dreck niemand hat dich gefragt. Geh weiter schuften während ich einen durstlöscher auf deinen nacken drinke. Alamans sind die größten cucks, lassen sich alles gefallen aber dann im internet immer rumheulen.

Attached: haftbe.png (700x465, 196.57K)

Take the red pill and go selbstständig or become a Beamter and get a real, guaranteed pension. If you cant do that, put money in ETFs monthly for your retirement

yes , it will end pretty bad , good luck!

Young people will stop working when taxes get too demanding and the system will collapse.

the daily german schizo post

yeah same for me in Holland. To add insult to injury, boomers got to retire at 55, I get to work until 68. Even private pensions won't pay out before. I will work and drop dead. Boomers have spent and continue to spend their political capital on themselves. And then admonish us. I hope every boomer dies from a gunshot wound to the groin.

You need to make more kids to keep this going retards

As far as I know, Swedish system works by investing in a diversified stock portfolio.
So the pension money that you pay buys you stocks which you can sell when you retire.
Meanwhile, the pension money that I pay goes to finance the lifestyle of a entitled boomer. Only thing I get is the vague promise that the ponzi scheme will keep working when I retire

That's just how pension work in general. Money gets shoved into funds from the working people and some good-for-nothings badly invest and lose the money so people have to pay more and the cycle repeats.

But can't you buy your private pensions? Especially if your work offers a pension program?
Are we talking about the governmental pension plan here?

Lmao you're literally complaining about a problem that you created, you made too little children. Breed and stop complaining

Girls here have fallen for the career-women brainwashing. They keep working/studying 80h/week through their twenties, until they are in their mid 30s, ugly and infertile

Pretty sure this is hardly unique to Germany hans were all in the shit

im self employed and dont have to pay sociql security thank god. i hate german retirees they run this entire country and all they do is moan all day. germany is fucked the average age is 47 or sth i feel like living in an old folks home

I can and I do, but it is really hard, man
Americans get financial insentive to invest money in 401k. Meanwhile, we are forced to pay a huge chunk of our income into a broken pension system, and get actively punished if we try to save money on the side

that's the private pension. State pensions normally would take in premiums paid by working people, but instead of putting that into an account just for you, they pay out pensions this month with it. It is a pyramid scheme. By the time you are qualified for pension, they will simply say they can't pay it and you should have put more into your private plan. Which you could have done if they didn't take out a pension premium every month. By then you are old and no threat.

same system in france
i moved out
stop simping for boomers and shitskins

>Breed and stop complaining
>just create more slaves

You don't enjoy giving half your paycheck to the gouverment so they can redistribute it to lazy Arabs turks and Africans while whining that we need to raise taxes in the country with the highest tax rate in the world?

Taxes are rape and you have to learn to live with them.
I get taxed 17% to 30% withholding tax on my dividends and I learned to accept it.

Arabs and Africans are a symptom, the real problem are the boomers.