What is the comfiest episode of the anime?

What is the comfiest episode of the anime?

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Sun and Moon Episode 20

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Technically not an episode but whatever

Holiday at Acapulco

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Poketoons really be picking the most random Pokemon to make episodes about

Fucking Based

The entire SM anime.

Pikachu's Rescue Adventure was kino and I loved the idea of exploring that giant tree that it takes place in.

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This. The pre-movie Pikachu shorts are easily the most comfy the anime has ever been. They still hold up unlike 90% of the anime

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The one with the gengar and haunter in the tower

The one with the gastly imitating a you g woman


Why is Pikachu so cute Bros

Not an episode, but Movie 5 is my favorite for its setting

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Yeah this is great. It holds up too

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Also the last good episode before it became fujo furry shota bait

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>Childhood is wanting the Pikachu shorts to end and get to the main event
>Adulthood is realizing there is a coin flip that the simple fun of the Pikachu short will be more consistently enjoyable than the theatrical movie
My opinion of course but such a weird realization.

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This is the right answer

When I was a kid I cried at the 'Goodbye Pikachu" episode