The only perfect generation

The only perfect generation.

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The Discord isn't going to like this post one bit.

That's not a photo of gen 7


Preach sister

Literally the most imperfect generation ever
>no Z version to unfuck XY
>no battle frontier sets a new shit standard for future remakes
>and that's all

Being better than gen 7 and 8 is NOT something to be proud of. In fact, it might even be worse than gen 9 assuming that gamefreak can do the bare fucking minimum since the bar is that low to surpass gen 6

>pic unrelated

>9 years later, little faggots who got xy for their 9th birthday claim it is the best generation
your generation and the ones to come will never experience something that isn't visionless superficial shit made for profit

>10 years later, little faggots who got BW2 for their 9th birthday claim it is the best generation
It's literally like that for every generation, Pablo

Last playable gen for sure.

True, this simply cannot be topped.

Attached: LMN-wA1NYVE.market_maxres.png (1200x630, 1.19M)

That game was full of good intentions and was complete, unlike xy and oras being rushed ugly crap, the only good thing from these games was the online

The only thing that matters is if you're having fun or not and thankfully, you're not the who gets to decide that. If I'm not having fun while playing BW2 and you do, who is in the right and who is in the wrong?

Then why claim one game is the best in its franchise when it is metrically false ? These discussions always end up in the field of "feels" when talking about the quality of something, it doesn't work like that.

>That game was full of good intentions
every game is "full of good intentions"

>and was complete
yeah, the greatest sign of a complete game is a sequel with zero new pokemon and reused dialogue everywhere

Why would a sequel to a less polished game would need to add new pokemon when it never occured in the franchise before ? Does anyone actually play the games here ?

>gold and silver didn't add new pokemon

I agree. The ultimate trash tier

>Then why claim one game is the best in its franchise when it is metrically false ?
Then why make so many "Gen 5 is the peak of the franchise" threads

That's an entire new generation and a new region you disingenuous idiot, unlike BW2 with BW

I didn't talk about gen 5 until the other user brought it comparing it to xy, which are not the same game on various levels.