

Attached: coco.png (585x535, 325K)

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Attached: FWGEeeGXoAEip9q.jpg (640x640, 39.54K)

>teasing a leak
Ffs he should just post the damn leak

Attached: FWGHBxNagAAnZMn.jpg (768x576, 96.96K)

So possibly the design is based on the chicken chimera artwork from a decade ago? Fiery chicken basilisk?

Gen 9 pokedex is barely 10 bars down, OH NO NO NO 400 Pokemon wont work on a open world. it's over


Attached: Gen9.png (922x507, 53.19K)

bigot thread


I can't wait for someone to leak his address and have TPC storm his home so we never have to deal with his bullshit riddles. Why can't you just leak them and get it over with like a normal person? I know you're in here Khu, speak up.

Get me up to speed on the drama.

Crocodiles are pretty much snakes.
Long, venomous and crawl on land.

>imagine being his/her guinea pig test subject
atleast the people participating and khu get something out of it

He can't make an actual leak because he has no real info kek

NOOO Zodiacsisters not like this

I'm surprised that no one mentioned this but the Elite Four (E4) are back since we didn't have the E4 in Galar

Cause no one cares, it'll just be baby's first e4 since the game has forced exp share

>still going full retard over a staple RPG mechanic
BDSP had the hardest E4 in the series with forced exp share. It's about how they balance the game around it.

You didn't play the game

fuck this schizo attention whore

>had the hardest E4 in the series with forced exp share
>after curbstomping them twice

No Pokemon game is hard, but BDSP's E4/champ is easily the most challenging by series standards. The rest of BDSP is piss easy but not the E4.

kek why are chickens so funny

T-Rex soul inside a tiny bird body.