Pokemon canonically shink now

>pokemon canonically shink now


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who cares lol

It's still fucking stupid because they should use this "ability" to dodge attacks, flee/hide, or escape from nets and traps. It just feels like an excuse for Pokemon popping in/out in Legends.

>bad cost cutting animations for a shit bad game is now being used as ammo that pokemon shrink
lmao even
you already forgot the company that makes your games?

Attached: 1ec.gif (640x360, 2.4M)

Fake fan spotted. I'll be here when you're ready to grovel for my forgiveness.

it's pronounced "chink", and yes, they are all small and yellow/orange'ish

>they should use this "ability"
its not an ability, its an involuntary reflex to damage, meaning that every single time any Pokemon is called into a ball its body is being damaged so greatly that it curls up so tightly that it physically shrinks to near microscopic levels.
This is the world that "shrinking" created

he shrink

Attached: basededimp.gif (433x256, 2.28M)

It's thanks to Eternatus

Did so 26 years ago, they just got the tech to display it in-game properly starting Gen 6 and at battle start from 9..

That's never once stated, you simpering fuckwit. The ball forces the pokémon to shrink. It doesn't damage them in the slightest, as you can catch full-health pokémon and have them remain full-health, unlike battering a rando shitmon THEN throwing a ball with a open party slot leaves you with a freshly caught, busted-up bastard.
The world shrinking created is the one you've been fucking about in since mummy bought you your first pikachu to shut you the cunt up.

If we're taking the battle animations at face value then canonically Pokemon don't move from their spots during battle, and just hop when double kicking

>That's never once stated, you simpering fuckwit.
>Mentions an incident were a primeape was overdrugged to the point of TRIGGERING ITS SURVIVAL INSTINCT which made it curl up for it to fit into something small
Would you look at that, its mentioned fucking twice in succession. Pokemon involuntarily shrink as a response to damage, ergo for a Pokemon to be shrunken into fitting into a ball, it has to be damaged into triggering its survival shrinking reflex.
The only way this isn't the case is if the Pokeball is using a completely different mechanism for shrinking, and if that's the case, what fuck is the point of Pokemon "having the odd ability to shrink themselves". Just have the Pokeball shrink Pokemon without the Pokemon doing anything.

by the say, this same text that mentions this shrinking thing also says that real animals exist but those have apparently been dexited from the Pokemon verse, but not the "pokemon shrinking themselves" bullshit.

Why does it matter if real world animals were retconned? PLA still refers to the shrinking phenomenon as the basis for the Poke Ball.

It's a spin off so it doesn't matter what they say

Nope. Officially developed by GameFreak and recognized as a Core Game by the rest of the franchise, refer to pokemon.co.jp/game/ and go ahead and see what happens when you click the checkbox that roughly translates to "Display only "Pokemon" series".

kind of weird the strong reaction people had to this, the only sane reaction was this one
Are americans that in love with magical energy beams?

Primeape shrinking was AFTER being damaged.

Remind me did he got jailed or not?

flacid lol

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Jailed briefly for drugs. As far as the law's concerned, the drawings of children makes him the least pedophilic man on the west coast

Nope, the pokemon are dematerilazed and stored in the ball like data. Fuck your nu canon

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That's even fucking dumber
>ow I got hit in the face
>time to shrink down to a couple atoms

how does fainted pokemon shrink/minimize?