Gen V Remake

Game Freak lurks this board, tell them what you want.

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Gen 5 and it’s sequels into one mega game. With bonus events of the happenings that went on between the time skip

GF won't remake Unova because that would require doing seasons again.
We'll be getting Let's Go Togepi and Let's Go Marill next.

3d model of pokestars Monica
I never played this gen that's the only thing I care about from it

a good game

>Gen 5 and it’s sequels into one mega game

The ultimate monkey paw.
What will they cut to make this happen

3D cinematic retelling of the story with voice acting and animation.

Too ambitious, I know.

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>no postgame from either 1 or 2
>no world tournament
>no hard mode
>will have to cut half of Unova's dex so they can still keep in CHARIZARD

But for what BW was (a story heavy game relative to the other titles that came before it), it might need this sort of approach.

Does it really do the game and its ending justice to just do an ILCA-tier remake?

Don't bother, just release a 60 dollar port of the first one minus a bunch of features like wireless, inferred, online, pokemon transfer, etc.
Cut everything that isn't native to the original Black and White.
Add in the battle tower from X and Y, but replace any unique trainer with generic trainers that just say the lines of the character they replace even if it makes no sense.
Oh, and be sure to lock people out of Home for a year or two.

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Please cut more from the dex next time

This, I hate when the Pokedex hits triple digits, it makes my head spin.

I want...
>for it to not look like shit, please don't make shitty chibi overworld models
>closure for the Subway Bosses, don't even care if Battle Subway is closed pls undurstamd
>more than Gen 5 Pokemon (Sylveon not being in BDSP was a major fuck-up, don't do it again)
>sidequests like in PLA but this is probably not gonna happen unless we get Pokemon Legends Kyurem
>uh I dunno I'd like to see Anabel and Looker again too I guess

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hilda's ass to look as great or even better then the orginal

The ending where they tried to answer the question on raising pokemon themselves, and ending up creating the most vapid, juvenile excuse for a "conclusion"? Yes, it absolutely does deserve the ILCA treatment for that part.

I think at bare minimum it should look like ORAS.

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You can't have an ambiguous moral dilemma in a kids game about collecting said creatures.

You know darn well that they won't shill out the money or time to make a game on par with even the worst pokemon games.
I fully expect it to be worse the the original in every conceivable way, and for people to praise it as the second coming of Jesus.
There's being burned, and there's being a Pokemon fan.

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For the love of god don't make it

>Chibi models. Exactly what BDSP did.
>Only the first 649 Pokemon. I can't be bothered to catch the fakemon introduced beyond Gen 5.
>Even more handholding and heals, so I can just breeze through these, since the DS originals are too hard.
Get to work.

No one asked them to do that. But they went ahead and basically shat on the idea of pokemon every having compelling narratives. They don't deserve credit for "thinking about it"

>649 Pokemon
Lol, lmao, lemou
You'll be lucky to see over 150 Pokemon, let alone one's that are not native to the region.

Would you take 150 of ONLY gen 5, but their animations and meshes are stacked?