Will the national dex be back in gen 9?

Will the national dex be back in gen 9?

Attached: dex.jpg (1710x900, 132.09K)

You've had 3 years to figure it out. If you don't know by now it's because you don't like the answer.

Its always bugged me its called the national dex, when presumably none of the other regions past gen 4 are the same nation.

>gen 4
dude, learn pokemon history before spouting bullshit.

no, Pokemon will be culled from every game from now on to give move attention to CHARIZARD

Do they still put out toys of the Pokédex or does that not exist anymore? I have no clue what it would even look like despite the fact that I’ve played most of the new games.

Literally the people who didn't like the answer are the ones who understood it best.
Or maybe they're not realfags like you.

But sure, what you think takes precedence.

Gen 4 is hokkaido which is part of japan, past it is gen 5 which is ny. Learn how to read first before spouting bullshit yourself lmfao.

>this retard still doesn't understand
You should play some gen 3 games, moron.

>realfag telling anyone else to learn to read

Gen 3 also has a national dex and is based off Kyushu which is also part of japan?

>gen 3 is one location
You are an embarrassment.

Kanto is also part of japan its literally tokyo wtf are you on about

>being retarded on purpose
By now you've googled it and know that you fucked up

no natdex is only bad when swsh does it

this but with Mega Evolution / Z-moves / Triple / Rotation and any feature you miss or has been

Do you just not know your geography?

List the gen 3 regions user.
All of them.

Hoenn and Kanto?

Wait are you considering the fucking gamecube spin off part of fucking gen 3? You do know they don't have national dexes right???

>You do know they don't have national dexes right???
You know that that fact proves the regions that do have them are part of the same nation, right? RIGHT user, YOU CAN FIGURE THAT OUT, CORRECT?

only if we get pokemon 1000