Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-08 at 12.39.51.png (376x180, 31.45K)

Legitimately one of the only coins Any Forums has been right about in so long. Fuck matic btw

And we are still so fucking early it hurts. $10 is quite literally guaranteed.
>captcha 4GAYK
It is written.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-08 at 12.45.53.png (582x360, 43.27K)

Wagmi gaybros

this, i'm a poorfag so i could only afford 350 at .80$ but im so happy i bought in. missed out on chainlink when it was shilled here in 2018 and promised myself i would buy some coins that seem promising on here. will sell at 50$ and not one cent earlier

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Similiar cost basis but only have 260, I'm really starting to get tempted to FOMO in and stack at least 1000 coins.

i have 10k of these, don‘t know what it does but would like to hear some predictions

Damn i only bought 240 yesterday. I should have just bought alot...

$10 by October, $20 possible but not likely by EOY

Why is this not more often discussed among crypto twitter shills. Gns is a better product

Attached: GNS-mco-GMX.png (1125x1125, 117.92K)

because the marketing team does literally nothing and expects the community to market for them for free. this is not fud, just facts. GNS is way better than GMX tho

Uh oh gaybros its time to start getting blessed by kek again... That comes with pros and cons if the last time was any indication.

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>because the marketing team does literally nothing and expects the community to market for them for free
at the moment its better to have word of mouth marketing than a marketing campaign. imagine getting millions of customers at once right now when the product isn't even fully developed. it would be a disaster. good things take time user

Don't listen to the other guy, the marketing team has been working on getting more exposure for weeks, and it's starting to pay off. The current pump is due to many large twitter accounts shilling the project. In addition, v6.2 (which should be released in about a week) will introduce a new referral system, and I suspect many of those accounts will be using it.

It feels so good to be right. And I still think $50 coming.

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it's over..

it has only J U S T begun

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Got around 5.5k tokens is this enough bros :’(

I feel severely uninvested in this and it’s so painful