Am I schizo for buying LUNC?

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No, just a copy+pasted gambler. You can pretend to have friends in the 40 daily bagholder threads now though

I mean, it’s a lottery ticket. You throw in $100 or less and sit on it just in case it explodes. But consider it a loss because it’s probably going nowhere.

all of this could be said of any crypto bag holder.
paying for ones and zeroes that can get flipped by a solar flare.

all of this could be said for anything that exists, paying for ones and zeros that could get flipped by the sun fucking exploding

Where did you buy. Is it being delisted anywhere I read something on twatter but could be fud

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You could try that with the otehr 20k coins too at some point you're gonna run out of money.

>sun fucking exploding
that's not quite a solar flare now is it streetshitter
I know technology is new to your country but solar flares in the past have caused massive blackouts.
Here's a news source more local to you.

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Samefag bot


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Do you just make shit up to troll or something?

do you just say shit to be saying it

never post on Any Forums again

>thinks cuckbase is the only cex
>if it's not on cuckbase you can't buy it
neck yourself

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All of this could be said for anything that exists, paying for ones and zeros that could get flipped by the sun fucking exploding

Its on uphold

yes user, you're dumb as fuck. i mean how can you buy lunc when the top terra developers are migrating their platforms and projects to matic lmao

I automate on kucoin

No. You agmi. My ID has spoken!

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Migrating to where again?

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WAGMI!!! Indian FUD cannot stop us whales!!! Green for up!! My ID has spoken!!!

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