My grandparents left me 30 million euros from farming. There is 15 million more in farming equipment as assets

My grandparents left me 30 million euros from farming. There is 15 million more in farming equipment as assets.
Would you cash out or continue doing the business?

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nigga you really asking biz for info on what to do with millions?

Go find a woman or two and make some doctors

Theres about to be a fuckhuge food crisis.
You’ll make absolute fucking bank just doing the same shit they were doing.
Plus you need food in order to not die this winter.

do you have a cute farmer gf?

Get to farming, wheat-buckboi

imagine running a profitable business that took your whole life to establish and maintain only to leave it to some retard who will sell it to bill gates for pennies on the dollar and blow all the money on stupid consumer bullshit and fancy goyslop meals just to leave nothing for the next generation. WOW

partly cash out, downsize, leave the core for your own sustenance/shtf scenario.
NEVER sell land.

This while farming

either you cash out now or they'll come and take it from you with guns.

Take the money, buy multiple passports, buy a decent boat, retire.

World needs farmers. It probably doesn't need whatever you're going to cash it out to do though.

Think of all the funko pops you could buy for that

Either sell and get your money taxes out the dock by EU commies or hold and get your land nationalized by EU commies

Taxed* out the dick*
>phonefag shame

id cash out everything and retire and spend my life meditating and making music in a secure modest apartment and enjoy hearing about peoples money problems

What's with all these posts about anons and inheritance of millions worth in assets? How are they so lucky?

difficult to tell you what to do my guy, when I make it I'm probably going to use the money to buy a farm. you're already there plus shitloads of cash.

I think you've got to take a look at what brings you satisfaction in your life and how you could use that money to maximise that feeling. do you like farming? when was the last time you did something and you felt a sense of peace and like you were doing exactly what you're supposed to do?

You're set for life and your children too. It depends on wether you want to build a legacy or to live a life of leisure. Anything you do will be good as long as it's what's in your heart. This user's right:

Sadly this is not a joke. Where you from OP?

Ayuh, I must go 'ack to 'e farmiecage

Pump 20 million into $champ's liquidity

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It's in Europe? Anywhere but Switzerland cash out,
convert the money to crypto, and move your body to Dubai or Switzerland. If it's in Switzerland just keep the biz running live like a boss.

Look at South Africa, and the Netherlands as a window to your future in uncle Klauses Europe.
Also help out a bro with some erc20 tokens...

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If it’s not you it’s bill gates. Take that into consideration.

Ngl I don't even know what I'd do in OP's position-I've been living paycheck to paycheck for so long I don't think I could suddenly cope with being a multimillionaire. I just know that the time I felt most at peace in the world was when I was raising sheep, something just clicked

Fuck I quoted myself instead of the post after me. I'm a delicious bottle of red in, sorry bros