Swshsisters, we'll be eating good soon

Swshsisters, we'll be eating good soon

Attached: Raid event.jpg (719x965, 374.53K)

Can't capture Urshifu? what's the point?

>can't even be captured

It will be like Zeraora I think
If people defeat them enough, they will distribute shiny Urshifu/Kubfu to people.

Le high rewarderinos!

I Sleep

Why is Joe such a faggot? I feel like he wasn’t always like that.


More like eating shit
What kind of event is this?

Back then they stated that shit… not so much now
Actually it’s more like that mew2 one which we got shit for it

there's like no point. SV comes out soon, everyone who is serious about VGC has already amassed enough resources to shit out teams instantly. not to mention, everyone is prolly sick of this zacian meta anyway.

The special rewards are fucking apricorns and max honey/mushrooms lmfao

And none of that is remotely relevant to SwSh getting a Raid Battle Event, so not sure why you thought it prudent to share with the class.

everyone already has them you idiot

I wish they did more of these "boss" raids, this is only the 3rd one they've done after nearly 3 damn years. Makes no sense to me.

>only 7 apricorns for winning
Could have been more lenient with the rewards, not worth farming

>no nature mints
>no bottle caps
>no ability capsules or patches
But we get fucking choice bands and completely useless without another urshifu max honey for some fucking reason

Mints, bottle caps and ability capsules aren't exactly good rewards when you can just buy them with BP. Patches on the other hand are probably too rare to ever be in raids.

The game has a few months left before it’s completely dead. No reason not to just flood people with competitive shit at this point

>can't be captured
>"high" "rewards"

he's being held at gunpoint

High rewards I guess

At least every raid gives 1 guaranteed mushrooms now

>can be shiny
>no catchable
What? Papa Masuda are you nuts?