Was Team Plasma a commentary on Democrats?

Was Team Plasma a commentary on Democrats?

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Democrats are the side that shills for diversity so no.

300+ replies let's gooooooo

Every minority group votes near-monolithically for democrats. The only group with diverse voting patterns are white. Hispanics are catching up in terms of internal diversity, but that's likely just because the parties are starting to homogenize again.


But Democrats are now against free speech, i.e., different ideas

I agree, blue bad. I also say red good.

It's a very general take on political extremists.

No, they were a commentary on political group that you agree with.

>old man exists as leader to cover up and provide resources to his son doing illegal things

Wow. Unova was spot on to biden. Alder is trump and based

so which pokemon group is the one that forces rape victims to have their rape babies?

that's just politics in general, dipshit.

>the champion match is stolen from alder by ghetsis

>just like irl election was stolen

I think that Team Plasma was more of a commentary on how people will pretend to hold high ideals or to speak noble truths to gain power.


Examples or is free speech used as a veil for being an asshole?

answer the question user

How many genders are there really tho surely 2 just isn't enough

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Different name you fuck

The government does not have the legitimate ability to regulate what you would consider "being an asshole." Big tech legally does, but then they should quit pretending to care about the health of the nation or society, because concentrating the power to censor that much into the hands of a such few is a greater threat to the social body than "being an asshole" is.

You need a firmware update. They're all into regulating "hate speech" now. You might even have a great argument for why that's a good thing, but don't pretend you care about free speech then.

>companies like twitter should be able to operate however they want without government interference. Their a private company after all.


You never actually believe corporations could be private.

What are you talking about? We probably agree on this issue. Read my post again.