Chainlink is the number 3 network by user fees

It used to be hard to understand why link was such a great buy
Now there is objective data for the dominance of their offering
And its free
You don't even have to know what staking or CCIP are

If you miss the boat at this point its all your fault

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-08-03 17-19-05.png (1697x949, 123.17K)

Most of these LINK rewards are on L1 ethereum and therefore are heavily subsidized by oracle rewards from Sergey's pocket.

They're between Sushi & ENS.

damn it's over

if fees = earnings then Cardano's P/E ratio is >4000

ChainlinkGod.eth was a GPT-3 chatbot active on Twitter and Any Forums during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic periods. The chatbot has been described by experts in the field such as Mark Richardson as a multi-level confidence scam targeting low to mid IQ denizens of Twitter and Any Forums. Head of Chainlink Marketing Adelyn Zhou describes the ChainlinkGod.eth chatbot as "a significant source of litigation" for the Chainlink oracle company. After several public defecation incidences in the Metaverse Chipotle and multiple incidences of racism and conspiracy to incite violence against web3 developers, the chatbot was officially discontinued by Chainlinklabs. Unfortunately a rogue employee transferred the chatbot's core code to a plaid USB drive and managed to smuggle it onto the internet where it still exists, interacting with any individual brave enough to tolerate the disgusting racist, Islamophobic and homophobic comments it routinely utters.

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no different to a block reward
but the rewards do get adjusted right... if not those nodes will so rich with mainnet fees so low

Block rewards don't get counted towards fee metrics for ethereum or other blockchains though. really should separate oracle rewards from fees for more accurate data. Yes the oracle rewards do get adjusted since the purpose is to pay for the exorbitant gas fees but either way they shouldn't be taken at face value.

If only there were some sort oracle fast lane in the works

yeah true but there wouldn't be a way to separate our the oracle rewards from fees as chainlink co-ordinates all the payments. the teams pay the team in fiat afaik

You are correct, there isn't a way to actually separate it automatically from on-chain data because it's still a point of centralization happening behind the scenes.

>(total paid to don - gas cost)/nodes in don = fee for data
what am i missing

Except token not needed

still guess it doesn't really matter for the nodes, they're making pretty good money... 2m+ a year for some of them (excluding infra, api and labour costs)
it is crazy how chainlink is basically helping the whole space, allow dapps to launch etc by subsidising all these dons and yet it is apparently invisible to everyone. instead of new dapps having to use twap or something or pay lots to get secure data, chainlink takes care of it all
maybe they should do some marketing explaining all that...

You are missing that OP was not subtracting off gas costs when comparing fees to blockchain revenues.

the total paid to the don isn't user fees in most cases it's user fees + cll subsidy (for gas or due to a low amount of users for the don)

but does show the gas costs and provides a profit metric (still excludes some costs like infra and labour)
what we don't know is how much of the fee is from the users

so in the last week the revenue for all chainlink nodes was:
this puts it at 3rd
the gas these nodes paid was:
so a profit of (however, this excludes infra costs, api costs - if they aren't a data provider and labour costs):
but we don't know how much of the $1,204,000 was paid by users and how much was paid by cll as a subsidy

also this isn't fair as gas is simply a cost for chainlink nodes just like electricity, labour etc is for other parties generating blockchain revenue

It truly is comfy to hold Link. If crypto has any future Link is guaranteed to get a fat cut from all of the activity. It's not a big gamble like it was in 17'.

Why is polygon the #1 user of direct requests?

Attached: Screenshot_20220803-195631_Brave.jpg (720x673, 49.43K)

Polygon has extremely low fees so you can have much higher volume. For example, GNS queries price feeds every second. Doing that on L1 would cost a fortune.

It's cutting edge tech like this that has helped GNS rocket to rank #424.