/pug/ - Pokémon Unite General

Pokémon UNITE is a 5v5 MOBA where the objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.


>Information (right side for links)


- Minor events: serebii.net/pokemonunite/events.shtml
- Patch notes: serebii.net/pokemonunite/patch.shtml

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Eradicate yourself from existence for bringing such FILTH into these threads.

Look, it is not that hard to use Fire Spin and Flame Burst and I promise you, I PROMISE you that when paired with X Attack, your Bulbasaur or Aegislash or Cramorant or Pikachu buddy will absolutely love you when you're able to half the speed of the enemy and guarantee a pick to that one enemy laner who decides to get in way too close and then can't get back out.

It seems now you are making up scenarios where you will succeed. The initial reason was when there's a BAD lane matchup the jungler doesn't help the garbage lane. So having a pikachu there wouldn't make that lane entirely garbage as it would be if it's a owl or some shit. Try not being butthurt when people call charmander a bad laner, because he is.

You are a massive retard.

Ralts NEEDS to go jungle because it's useless in lane. That's the same reason charmander needs to go jungle.

Just because there are better junglers does not mean that these picks are good in lane.

>I don't know how to play the game unless I get a powerful move at lvl 4 plz help

No wonder there are so many posts bitching about the game in /pug/, a bunch of you literally can't play the game because all you depend on is big damage to win you fights, lmao. I'm betting you two also complained about Delphox being "overpowered" when she was first released.

I play lane Ralts :)
Since the buffs, it doesn't feel that bad.

Ralts is better than charmander in lane because at least ralts gets a strong secure at lvl 5 and has the safety of being ranged

>pick Mamo to avoid the infamous 4 Attacker 1 (X) team comp despite not having played it in months
>the entire game goes great and I make the enemy's Delphox and SlorSaur's lives a living hell by jumping on their asses every teamfight with EQ and hurling them into my teammates with Ice Fang
>end up with 9 kills solely by fucking over those 2 all game
I forgot how fucking fun Mamo was to play, goddamn. I can't even remember why I dropped him

>and has the safety of being ranged
>Charmander isn't ranged

This is bait lol

Do returning player rewards still exist? Haven't played for like 12 days and wondering if I should just wait to claim that.

Yeah he's mid range. Damn this playerbase is dumb

>Damn this playerbase is dumb
My thoughts exactly.

Literally no way I can convince a shitter why Charmander works in lane. You're just bad and any rank you got in Masters, if you're even in it, probably means you got carried by others. Maybe one day you'll learn how to play the game using advanced gamer techniques such as DODGING or KITING or BAITING, but it's definitely not now.

Yep, just wait a couple more days user

Also, why did they add a second attacker in a row while I was gone? Aren't we severely lacking in other roles?

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Because we need more Attackers. We only have half the roster.

Because people would rather do big damage numbers and try to carry the game rather than actually play something that would help -others- make plays or would otherwise be considered """boring""" like Defenders or Supports.
Also Timi gave up on Speedsters cuz All-Rounders can just do what Speedsters do without dying to a faint breeze.

that's what happens when games are made by talentless developers. the only way they know how to make a fun character is to make them the type of character that makes funny damage numbers pop up on the screen for cheap dopamine hits. Overwatch suffers from the same problem

>Aren't we severely lacking in other roles
We don't lack roles, we lack balancing
Take the supports for example. They all cover things supporters cover, but only Blissey is actually useful
We don't need more speedsters, because speedsters are junglers and we already too many characters who are good junglers in the game already
We have enough defenders, but Crustle and Mamoswine are griefing picks

>jungler refuses to rotate bottom on Dred and subsequent Dreds
>game snowballs down for our team from there as enemy is too strong
Gee who would've thunk?

>but only Blissey is actually useful

Oops, meant to say:
>only Blissey AND Hoopa*
>Mamoswine isn't a griefing pick, but he's outclassed by every other defender

yes I forgot to mention him

>but Crustle and Mamoswine are griefing picks

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Mamoswine definitely is during Blissey meta

I'd rather have a Slowbro/Trevenant/Blastoise in my team, thanks

Will we ever get a new Speedster?

Mamo is fine by itself, but Blissey laughs at Mamo's entire kit.
After the Score Shield/Buddy Barrier nerfs Crustle can't just stack shields and be a score goblin anymore, and picking X-Scissor just gives another thing for Blissey to laugh about.
Not to mention more and more people running Full Heal to counter Delphox's Fire Spin, with the combination of that and Blissey any stuns that could help just disappear.