What’s a decent way to make about $500 a week cash?

What’s a decent way to make about $500 a week cash?
Hard mode: no sucking dick

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we're talking outside of day job?
How much time/money do you have to start up?

Yeah outside of a day job. Have about an extra 5 hours a day. No cash to start with. But a credit card I could charge up to a couple thousand on

Selling plasma should net you around $800-1000 a month. Other things you can do is learn how to detail cars and start doing that. If you can wrench then learn how to fix cars on the side or be a handyman.

Flip burgers...

Aren't most fast food chains paying $ 15/hr? That's about $ 500/week

As if they'd give you enough hours to make that much in a week. Most fast food/retail establishments try to keep you under a certain amount of hours so they don't have to give you benefits which cost them money. Most likely you'll only get like 15 hours a week

Food Truck?

I'm making $500 a day on a ponzi and I only put $2k into it
Problem is you had to be one of the first depositers to get such a high return

Bullshit you lazy faggot.

let 500 men fuck you in the ass for 1 dollar each

part time tow truck driver, cabbie, sell weed, operate an after hours booze service.but if you own some vacant land, the best one of all .... storage lockers. storage lockers is by far the best business of all. seacans sell for approx7k, rent is 200 a month, money back in three years, tenants have zero rights. start up is cheap, just some vacant land, a chainlink fence, a electric gate with a 4digit pin code. I havea little hobby farm, I have two seacans I rent, and four heated lockers (about 8x10). they are almost always rented. i make about 700 a month for doing fuck all. also store RVS and boats (though i only have one guy storing his rv there atm). I bought the seacans when i was moving, and converted a workshop already on my property .... all i had to do was install a chain link fence. I fenced in about 1/2 acre and started my storage locker side hustle. its been three years, fence is paid for now. im thinking of buildign some more storage sheds.

Getting a job?

is there still an underground weed market? isnt it legal in the u.s.?

its legal in canada, but theres still a big underground market.nobody cares though. cops dont care. they got real drug dealers to fry. drugs arent like it was 20 years ago. nowadays kids snort a rail and drop dead. the cops dont care about weed, they are worried about serious shit thats killing people

draw furry porn, get patreon donations

Work in manufacturing.

t. make $500 a week, only working 36 hours, this is after family medical/dental/life insurance, 401k, and taxes are taken out

>What’s a decent way to make about $500 a week cash?
Cook meth and sell meth.
Too pussy? Grow weed and sell weed.
Still too pussy? Buy and sell legal goods.
Dick sucking for cash is illegal in Jewish footstool land (USA).

Unless you own or have family who own their own restaurant or bar, no, fuck no.

>cops dont care. they got real drug dealers to fry.
New Brunswick boy here, The cops are the dealers, my dude.
Small town PDs please go, yes, large city cops are doing gang bangs and dope deals, it's fucking Canada, everyone sells drugs from time to time.
>Inb4 Amerimutts call us poor.
Yeah, keep that money printer BRRRRing.

>sucking dick for money
i hate americans

hospitality, working at a bar.

Tile trade, hard work but good money