How is Europe so poor?-

How is Europe so poor?-

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Because they’re not america

every country not named USA is poor, get over it pajeet

Communism. When soviet union fell in 1991 the parasite didn't die it just found a new host.

idk but it's fucking funny

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socialism / communism
the state is the enemy of the people

small state = prosperous people

Cuz socialism. Typical politician tactic: empty promises + government-backed confiscation of money = poverty + (at least we have free healthcare)

Ofc eurocucks are slowly being devolved into mere cells of the state, completely and wholly dependent upon the state, unable to exist individually, whereas Americans have some choice in the matter, and those who make the wise choice of staying outside the Babylonian evolution remain the sovereign individual.

it is not free
someone is paying and paying way more than it should be
and the availability is limited

Because every smart guy from Europe moved over to America to eat burgers, change gender and worship old senile fucks that shit their pants

its the jew

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Lmao, these faggots continue to remain serfs, I wonder what is going on their mind, now that Europe has officially committed economic suicide.

Because americans think big number rich and low number poor, little do they know...

For exmaple, europe doesnt have a property tax based on value, you retards pay tens of thousands per year for your shitbox home, big number on the paycheck but who cares when at the end nothing is left...

This is the most plausible answer so far.

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Not suprised a frog cant understand cost of living

yurocucks gave USA the money printer because uhhhh... they won WW2 or some shit idk muh freedom n shit

Because the dollar is the worlds reserve currency and is therefore chronically overvalued. Americans earn way more but domestic production is also way more expensive. You all talk about things like 2000 dollar rents or whatever which is absurd here.

What economic suicide? The sanctions against the evil vodkaniggers? Piss-off prorusskiy shill.

Different taxation
Here education can be for free till and including University.
No one even conceives worrying about costs of going to hospital and treatments
We have a month of free holidays per year
Etc etc
Keep the big numbers mutts, we are far above in life expectancy, health and all that matters

It pisses me off when brainlets cut off Crete on maps, the best place on earth, surrounded by enough sea to not be contaminated.

Its called cost of living, switzerland also has 100k salaries, and also 2k rents