Bancor, the haircut gets worse

I had eth stuck in v3, the loss for a little while was actually creep down. I was retarded for not realizing this was because eth price was down, just happened to look today and it was much worse because of the eth pump.
you fags that have shit stuck on there, realize, if market pumps the loss gets worse...bad...

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I need a haircut so it's ok

Is that a JO crystal?

imagine thinking you can somehow get out of impermanent loss without any risk or someone paying the cost. truly only a cattle could believe such an idea.

i got sucked into farming in 2.1. I staked almost entirely bnt and at the end had 100k bnt from rewards, so i got all that out, but the value crashed so I ended up slight in profit vs mega profit prior to the bottom falling out.
i knew it couldn't work in the long run, as soon as btc started falling i should have gotten out but was greedy.

the longer you wait the worse it's going to get, we keep telling you

BNT is never recovering, the rest is. Take what you can OP, we've been telling for so fucking long JUST LISTEN

I've been a supporter of Bancor since early 2021. I'm finally just selling everything and never looking back. I've lost over $200k holding BNT so far and it just gut wrenching. 3 page on coingecko, nothing comes back from that. I'm all out of copium.

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Same thing happened to me. I took the haircut about a month ago. I wanted to support them but holy shit the communication from the team was atrocious and the backhanded bullshit they pulled like getting their own tokens out before shutting off ILP makes me seethe with an uncontrollable anti semitic rage. FUCK KIKES

What is this project?

good, i bet you ware the same retards gloating about it in every link thread


No I wasn't you motherless cunt
The only thing I did was counter the fudders (who were obviously correct) with shit like "fees cover the ILP hurrr"


Serves everyone who put their funds on Bancor right for trusting kikes

Indeed. Sometimes we have to learn painful lessons. The pain is our teacher.

i think the most amazing thing is that anyone even bought this shit after 2018

I have 200 link on there, it won’t let me withdraw. Any way to get it out?

so is there any such thing as "true" defi? like some guarantee that the contract will be immutable and non-editable?

the point of smart contracts is that they are immutable and tamper-proof. you and me agree that x will happen, then x happens

but if i can control the code and change things at any time to my liking, that's just LARPing
like you could very easily just make a centralized exchange, but you instead pretend it's a decentralized AMM because that's the new "trend" or something and you will get all sorts of crypto twitter faggots shilling your project for free
but you have complete control of the code, can change the rules at any time and can freeze ILP (or even withdrawals if necessary), so there might as well be celsius-level of centralization

The foundation has over 1 Billion in assets
All the insiders pulled liquidity before ILP was paused
Do you retards honestly expect them to help the goyim financially?

yeah that's how impermanent loss works...

How the fuck are goyim supposed to get ahead in this game? I wanna do more than hold BTC in a cold wallet like some cuck