Mining gf has a new video up which begs the question "why aren't you mining yet?"

mining gf has a new video up which begs the question "why aren't you mining yet?"

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>pls buy my gpu bags

I will buy her used mining gpus for full retail.

You don’t make money mining dumb woman.

>mfw you wont have a chance to creampie this slampig
why even live

you do if your husband pays for the electricity :^)

No you won't. RTX 4000 is coming and it's going to make everything that currently exists worth half as much. No shortage this time, actually a surplus with a recession at the same time.

if she stays in crypto she'll be selling her ass pretty soon


What are you guys mining? I bought a gaming rig with eth and thinking of mining Ravencoin.
BTW how old is this girl? She’s a cutie but have to make sure she doesn’t get too big. Hopefully she has good fat distribution (what’s really important)

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Probably a stupid question, but why are there miners at all ? Each time people bring the subject up, the answer is the same, "nah don't mine it's not worth it", and yet there are still enough miners around to make blockchains work. Is it gatekeeping ?

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Because the mining pool is crazy big and the rewards are abysmal. The amount of money you pay to purchase the equipment and the space + electricity costs are hard to be paid for.
I realized this the hard way. Just buying up the coin could be cheaper especially during the summer where you're also paying for air conditioning.

The new video:

Then why not just make him buy everything for you

It gives a (false) sense of achievement.
girl power!!

only really works if your electricity is cheap, so europe and america is basically out of luck, especially as a small scale operation

>starting to mine 1 month before ETH merge
I still can’t believe we’re still the smart early adopters when we’re all so retarded here

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You can easily be profitable mining in America.

it's not worth it at such a small scale

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lol nope, show your work

electricity doubled in price and eth crashed by 65%, you'd be mining for more thana year to even recoup your initial investments. only miners that expect the price to go up are mining atm, at de-facto zero profit until they sell

wtf that bitch is fat lol, she looked better in the first video when she "emsembled" the miners