Be me

>be me
>haven't been on Any Forums at all in like 9 years
>wanna see if there are Pokemon Scarlet or Violet spoilers or leaks out yet that I haven't seen bc I haven't followed shit anywhere online
>open browser
>type in Any Forums dot org slash vp slash

Instantly see this fucking bullshit


Captcha is DRUGJ btw

Attached: Screenshot_20220608-024636_Chrome.jpg (1440x3200, 859.32K)

>not using an AdBlock
Your problem, Pedro.

On... on a phone?
But I'm obviously not talking about the ad, I'm talking about the POST WTF

The tranny ad is literally advertising an ad block browser. Many such browsers, and you have no excuse to not use them.

This had me dying laughing thanks for sharing OP

I see no transphobia ad, I see a pedophilia thread that creeps me the fuck out

Adblockers exist on phones too, dumb dumb


Just report and hide the post if you find it problematic. Be the change you want to see


yeah, yeah, trannies exist. It's shit I learned and accepted when I was 5.
Getting triggered over that now as a grown adult is such a collosal waste of time and energy

You have to be 18 or older to post here.

Midgets also exist but you don't see them being advertised literally everywhere.

Not using Adblock is a big mistake, though.

nta but kids born in 2004 can post here now

Don't be so pedophobic user.

lmfao, how long until they join the LGBT community and get a P added in there?

this place is filled with jaded incels that lost interest in pokemon as a game years and years ago. The board is dominated with peedoos, furries and literal zoophiles

zoophilia in general has taken hold on this website. You were doing good by not being here for 9 years. Leave before you get sucked back in. Get your pokemon news from literally anywhere else. Dont get accustomed to scrolling past pedoshits and literal dog rapers

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I'm the user you're replying to and I'm 24, born in 1997. A ton of comedy movies and TV shows growing up had "hot girl is 'actually a guy'." jokes so it wasn't hard to catch on

They already tried and got told to fuck right off. Even the looniest of tr00ns know woodchipper bait when they see it.

>be me
>haven't been on Any Forums at all in like 9 years
Bull fucking shit

Also, usually the game leaks ~2 weeks prior to the release date unless if they fucked up so bad

lol no they target children all the time like the pedo groomers they are

we're not talking about Christians and black celebrities right now, user

fucking based

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cringe larp thread

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