4 months later I am forgotten

>4 months later I am forgotten

Attached: pokemon_legends_arceus_box_art.jpg (2530x4096, 1.13M)

Surprising no one.

It's a good chill out game

I haven't forgotten, this after sword and shield was truly the first time in a decade that a pokemon games surpassed my expectations instead of falling (greatly) short of them. My expectations might've been lower, but it's truly a sign

but its the best pokemon game since 2010

> Meanwhile, in the real world: “yeah, they should bring back PLA’s catching mechanics!”

>Forgetting the best game since BW2
No but I’m pretty sure gamefreaks forgotten about it

It was pretty shitty but good ideas, just rushed.

You don't seem to have forgotten user

Zoomer Let's Go

>and animations
>and seamless battle transitions
>and free camera
It's a damn shame what SV is shaping up to be

It was alright especially in comparison to the dogshit that preceded it. 7/10

Unironically this

>Zoomer Let's Go
Lets go was already for Zoomers dumbass

It is the only Pokémon game I played since Black 2.
I enjoyed it even though the story was shit.

7 year olds are too young to be zoomers at this point man.

What game honestly doesn't get forgotten any more? Even Elden Ring for as much hype as it had at launch and how good it supposedly was you dont hear shit about it anymore.

we are in the consume, consume, consume age and this is due to there being so many faggots whose "jobs" are to constantly report "news" and give their opinions on the newest games constantly that they have to constantly keep moving on.

This is one reason your seeing more of this live service, freemium games with microtransactions. Those games can stay in the headlines for years by making very minor changes and earn way more money over time with way less effort. There will definetly be a point at some point where all single player with all content on the game at launch will be a thing of the past. I dread that day.

it has seamless battle transitions it seems. That’s honestly the only important thing that they had to keep so it’s fine

>I dread that day
That format isnt entirely bad, games like that after a while may have more content than most other games on the market. This as well as the fact that theyre f2p means you can at least try it and determine whether or not you like it with no additional cost to you. Of course it also depends heavily on how much the devs want to siphon out of the player

>the only important thing
I'd say camera is equally important
>stuck watching a 3d model's back 90% of the time because they can't even be bothered atg least code a decent one that shows your monster attacking

Is this game really that bad? I don't have a switch so I couldn't care less about this, just wanted to hear Any Forums's thoughts about it.

>faggots whose "jobs" are to constantly report "news" and give their opinions on the newest games constantly
That's called an undisclosed paid shill. Adsense was a mistake.