Tell me a reason to pick Violet over Scarlet if you're straight

Tell me a reason to pick Violet over Scarlet if you're straight

>Has weird unga bunga woman with dyke haircut
>Not only that, she’s a professor (unrealistic propaganda)
>More interesting futuristic theme
>Cooler legendary
>has gigachad as the professor

I know a gay guy that's getting Scarlet.

The legendary looks like a penis (I'm a straight female)

what if it has Scyther instead of Pisir?
OR what if It had Skarmory instead of The Grumpig line?

tits or gtfo (i accept sfw pics)

Gay people buy, borrow, or pirate SV. Straight people will ignore it completely.

Post tits or you are a troonoid who is gay

I have a girlfriend, I can't post pics or it would be cheating, sorry

damn you called it king
gay troonoid lol

Ok, tranny

10/10 chance you have a name like Lizbeth

Her, now go back to your containment board

Attached: ECED9D42-209F-43DA-B0D9-18E613551CB0.jpg (1365x2048, 262.59K)

He's male

>claim to be a straight woman
>then say you have girlfriend
I dont know chief that story is full of holes

unlike their nether region.

Post feet

the 6th gym leader

Is it because he thinks Koraidon is hotter than Turo?

The female professor is probably going to be the main antagonist of Violet and will show up more than the male professor. Opposite for Scarlet is true as well

What if I'm "diet straight"?

So, an incel?