Axie Infinity bros

Axie Infinity bros....

It's over

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Are these faggots really playing the victim?

Yea they are "marginalized poiple of colour," user. Of course they are going to play stupid.

I hate pinoys, I just fucking hate them

This is the business model of every Play2Earn game, though
>just pay us hundreds of dollars to buy our NFT game pieces
>then get everyone you know to also buy in and form a pyramid scheme with you
>now all of you grind at the game all day and night

This description is accurate

>be devs, pay streamers/influencers to talk about the project
>give them whitelists and referral codes
>pajeets/3rd worlders: "wow they are making quite a buck! I'll probably make some good money too!"
>project proceeds to rug making devs and influencers rich in the process
every time

It wasn't even fun either. I bought some axies to try the game when it was cheap but the game was retarded and shitty so I forgot about them and then sold them to Filipinos a year later for 10x

Filipinos love to be victimized, so they are getting something precious from the situation after all

talk to any filipino and they will tell you that the best thing that can happen to anyone in the islands is to become part of a disaster

They are the most powerful race in the world, they can deal with it.

I honestly don't think that all these retarded shit-tier P2E games are going to pick up anytime soon. They're just slightly complicated ponzis with inflating native shitcoins.

That's a running problem with all this web3/nft/crypto gaming shit: The people making them are con-artists first and game devs last. They are trying to exploit a combo of crypto greed with mobile game whale-oriented business models and none of them are even that concerned about making good games that people want to play. They're making clones of shitty auto-runners and brain-dead shovelware that only be played by mentally retarded toddlers using mommy's ipad.

That tells you everything you need to know about these projects. They aren't trying to beat the game industry by being better and more innovative. They're taking the worst aspects and trying to monetize them harder.

Lol. I literally make more in 1 hour doing online surveys

Good take. I guess OSRS could work as P2E, and probably CSGO

Bullish for everyone except Filipinos

I don’t care about Filipinos I only care about making money. Get this fag shit out of here.

That's the streamline of any product

>Product announced by whites
>Money gets made
>Gets flooded by third worlders
>Invest only 1 dollar into the project but shit up any space they're in by constantly shilling and bot posting
>Devs run off with the money leaving only the poo's and nigerians to try and rip out some pennies
>Everybody leaves and since 3rd worlders can't sell to each other the product is essentially dead

Hey user, I've seen other biz anons saying the same - can you point me as to where you can sign-up to complete these surveys? I'm European, if that changes things. Thanks in advance.

you forgot the inevitable influx of botters tanking the in-game economy, except with p2e it's the real money value nosediving.
any non-retard knows what happened to Diablo3's real money trading economy and easily see why p2e is just that but even more vulnerable to market crashes.

amazon mechanical turkey

Why are flips so fucking insufferable. How do you manage to be more insufferable than chinese. How

Flips are based. They're just NBA cucks but don't try to act like niggers even when they're dating them. Chinks are worse. They're racist af yet love to act like ghetto niggers

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