This is the peak on pokemon centers, since this one it hasn't been one better

This is the peak on pokemon centers, since this one it hasn't been one better

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>no comfy coffee place

Alola is better

That Tapu Cocoa and Roserade Tea shit was cringe, but I did like the free beans for Refresh.

Wrong, this is.
>Quiet, small, lounge atmosphere afforded by having multiple levels.
>Best night music.
Although I like Kalos', Sinnoh's is the best by far.

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>You will never explore a Wild Area-style route that takes place in a dense forest filled with early-game Pokemon, your starter exhausted after a hard day of having to battle to Catch Pokemon without EXP share
>Just when you think you're gonna black out, stumble across a Pokemon Center cottage in the woods
>The Nurse Joy welcomes you in and heals you Pokemon, and also lets you know there's lodgings available for Trainers free of charge
>You and your travelling companions all each have to lay down in beds Minecraft style to heal and pass time to the next day

It's not fair bros why does GameFreak have to suck at 3D Pokemon games

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i totally forgot about the kalos feels like an airport terminal sort of.
well, gamefreak staff are known to "travel" (vacation) for references, so that's no surprise
its too similar to gen3s to stand out visually, but yes the night music is fantastic

Why did they remove the changing room?

the best one is the one from my childhood game

Spics like you are such faggots. There was no animosity in this thread until you got here. Get deported then shot by the cartel.

woah, is there something you want to tell us, pedro?

Unironically agree. It was so functional and practical, yet felt cozy at the same time. It felt like it was the ultimate hub for trainers travelling around the region.

It's fine until you go to the far right or left and see the empty void completely breaking the immersion.

>Great color scheme
>Sleek modern look
>Convenience of healing, PC, shop, and changing room
>Feels like a proper mini hub to return to
>Cool LED display
>Lounge areas with complimentary books
>Open, but not too open
>Sublime use of space, walls, and turns to minimize walking distance to nurse, while feeling cozy at the same time


The drop on quality on everything on this franchise was on purpose

>you could change clothes
>you could sit down
I'll have to agree.

We used to live in a proper society

Heck, we even used to have a button to close all menus no matter how deep and a way to quickly and easily connect with friends AND strangers while playing normally.
I miss the future.

>removed changing rooms
>removed saving multiple outfits
Why though?

That's the power of a national dex

You don't need those things

Let me guess, you need more?

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