Holy fuck i'm 26

Holy fuck i'm 26
>feel 20 still

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Everyone feels young you stupid fuck. 90 year olds are kids inside.

And then everyone dies.

And then you'll wake up at 36 and be like "whoa I'm 36 how did that happen".

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No they have always been old

Please have sex

Pretty sure they have always been old bro it’s different for them

I'm 30 and still feel 20. It never goes away you just learn to cope with it.

I'm 26 and feel like I'm 35

I was 19 a week ago and now I'm 22. All I did in that time was shitpost on Any Forums

I wish I was young still. I’m 39. My 30s went faster than my 20s. When I was 30 I felt basically the same as when I was 20. That’s not the case anymore. I’ve definitely aged. I also have a two year old boy and a 3 month old girl so that might be why I’m so tired. Having kids is great but fuck I hate my wife. Don’t ever get married kids.

I'm 45 and still feel 29 and I fuck more 23 year old hotties than ever

Everyone wants a serious relationship but I just think that's our need to reproduce talking. That shit takes a lot of effort and work.

What would you do differently? I want kids in the future but I hate my gf and don't want kids with her.

Not me. Been there done that

Why are you with someone you hate dummy

I'm 35 and feel like I'm still 33... It's all over bros

Thanks for the honesty, user. I hope other anons my age (20s) understand this, that if you're a dude, modern marriage is designed to fuck us over completely.

I'm 32 and feel like 23

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how do oldcels cope

this oldtranny is getting their brain melted by neuro-syphillis contracted from a prostie
stay safe out there bros

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I'm not paying for anything but dinner and drinks bitch

I am 34 right now. I went from feeling really young and incompetent and naive (20s) to feeling old overnight. i think it happened at like 31.