Be me

>be me
>trying to make it so my real life can begin
>stops a second and looks around
>normies just happily living their life, in the present, not dreaming of something greater

Maybe they're on to something?

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Be delusional bearcuck
>starving to death every other day
Cant seem to break the cycle

Maybe they’re not on to something

You can look at it 2 ways

1) You autistically min-max life to end up with specific result and spend a huge chunk of your younger years doing this perhaps never getting to "start" your life until you're much older.

2) You could always just die randomly one day sooner than you think so might as well just enjoy each day as it comes because any day could be your last.

Both have their merits IMO

normies are dogs that only live in the present
but we are wolves that plan our hunts

Would you be a dog or a wolf?

Now is ur real life. You can enjoy the present AND have ambition user

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You can look at it 2 ways
1. i’m coddled and don’t understand so you’re problematic and don’t want to deal with real world problems because I have the ego of a child that never fully developed
2. it’s hard to think much less make friends when you are constantly on the verge of dying

Add bullying from 1 to that and you spawn a killer

Please have sex

The vast majority of people are witless NPCs who take the world at face value. Including the many layers propaganda that saturates all media.

Most of them are liken to cattle, user. With all the same vulnerabilities and dependencies of cattle. They live and die at the whim of their owners - those who control their perception.

Don’t envy them. Pity them. For the cost of their temporary ignorance and naivety is to be absolutely subject to the tides of Darwinism. And one day very soon it will kick down the metaphorical door of their lives and drag them kicking and screaming out to the slaughterhouse.

Happiness is in appreciating and being contented with what you have. Manhood is struggling, saving, building and maintaining a legacy - a dynasty if you’re lucky.

Let cattle be cattle. You’re awake and free thinking. It’s a great and terrible gift. Don’t squander it.

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Nah they're fucked man. Every single normie I know is buried in debt, struggling to pay for their house, their wife's education/treatment or some shit, their kid's bullshit. The average normie normanson just get's married and has kids late 20s/early 30s. They never really focus on making it and live mediocre lives, their children more likely than not go on to live mediocre lives just like them. You're daring to dream of something greater than that for you and your children user. Never forget that.

This reads like envious cope. What have you achieved or do you plan to achieve beyond mediocrity? Do you have a wide network of wealthy investors to make it happen? Well connected parents maybe?

Try to make it but realize that what you're living right now is the real thing, enjoy it

I just want to become a multimillionaire over investing and property management over time and teach my kids to do the same. I want to train my children (when I have them) to be very fiscally responsible. I could go and find some bitch and knock her up and buy a ring right now, and find myself buried in all the responsibilities most guys my age are probably in. I'd rather focus on building my wealth first. I do not envy those who just constantly want to coast near the bottom.

based, wgmi fren

>this thing has never had sex

>stops to look at cattle
wow inspiring

I literally can't think of anything better than being in my room playing vidya.

You can have a dream and live your life to the fullest

What does “making it” mean to you guys?

I feel like you need to have a clearly defined definition for yourself on this, or else it will never be enough and you’ll always be discontent.

What a tard

>I can't think of anything better than escaping reality
That is really sad

>if you think it means you had more time for things than satisfying basic animal needs
you will never have a soul npc

>you should be happy and excited about participating in a dysfunctional society full of whores and degenerates
It’s only sad if he’s choosing that over preping for jew genocide

Making the best with the cards you have been given. Maximize your market value.
Most people just passively drift through life and settle for the first opportunity they get

I mean, he can leave the country

I agree, but I think that’s still to vague. You need to be able to say that I want to do x, make $y per year, and have the ability to do z with my life by the time I’m such and such years old

Thinking you can ignore your animal needs is pure hybris
We are all slaves to the biological imperative