No adjustable difficulty

>no adjustable difficulty
>no voice acting
>no multiple save files
>shit graphics
>shit art design
>full price + dlc (cut content), twice
>fanbase stupid enough to argue against adding everything listed

Are Pokemon fans the biggest cucks in all of gaming?

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>>shit graphics
>>shit art design
>>fanbase stupid enough to argue against adding everything listed
Why would i want to add shit graphics and shit art design?

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i agree with you user

does thay make me a chad?

>no multiple save files
wrong retard

Are anti-BBNDers the biggest bootlickers of any fandom?

>>no adjustable difficulty
They don't want Kenji-kun picking the hardest difficulty because he's a tryhard, getting his ass kicked because he's not being handheld, and then screeching about how Pokemon's a kusoge, losing the franchise a consumer.
>>no voice acting
Saves development time and costs for GameFreak, and similarly ensures every character is "timeless" and able to be brought back at any point.
Due to how Japanese Culture treats Voice Acting, if an assigned seiyuu can't voice that character, the character may as well no longer exist or have been killed if they're unable to reuse voice clips. That'd be EXTREMELY damning for someone like Red or Lillie, and it's already damning enough for May in the anime.
>>no multiple save files
Technically there are, you just have to use another Switch Profile.
>>shit graphics
>>shit art design
Graphics are shit yes, art design suffers from GameFreak insisting on reinventing the wheel to justify keeping the dex cut. They objectively peaked in a style that best speaks "Pokemon" in 3D with LGPE and then got rid of it and worsened.
>>full price + dlc (cut content), twice
Remember, the fans asked for DLC instead of third versions. They have no one to blame but themselves.
>>fanbase stupid enough to argue against adding everything listed
Yup. The shilling and defending is so ridiculous that the biggest contention right now is the fact Lechonk is named Lechonk, and that you're not allowed to point out it's named this because it's Scarlet and Violet's version of the obligatory "route 1 shitmon that's heavily featured in early hype season marketing and becomes a topical shillmon for the duration" after Wooloo was a huge success, which was based on Yungoos' unexpected popularity due to topical Trump comparisons.

>That'd be EXTREMELY damning for someone like Red
user, I don't like voice acting is a concern for Red.

Even if he only had grunts and commands to his Pokemon for voice clips, that'd be enough to get that seiyuu standard applicable to him.

Ps1 and Ps2 JRPGs that have all these things, yet Pokemon gets a free pass but if say the latest Final Fantasy was released with N64 looking trees and no voice acting it would get booted to the moon and ridiculed. But Pokemon not only gets a free pass but will have any army of shills defending GF's lazyness.

Voice acting is objectively a nothing feature, I don't care what older RPGs were doing.

No, Pokemon gets a pass because it's covered by two notable defense cloaks. The "it's for kids!" argument that room temperature IQ retards use to immediately shut down any and all criticism of a product, and the fact 99% of people don't care because they're just happy to have a Pokemon game to give them a feelgood nostalgia romp in a time and culture where cynicism, nihilism and "everything is bad and we will continue to remind you this world is a living hell" is extremely prevalent in all media for adults.

Imagine defending post X/Y Pokemon

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>and it's already damning enough for May in the anime.
user, the other day I found out Cynthia has 3 different VAs in the anime, one for Generations, one for a Masters special and one for DP, BW and Journeys. They don't give a fuck.

These are all positives as it filters people like you from the franchise and playerbase.
Sounds like a snoybox "J"RPG is more your speed.

>and it's already damning enough for May in the anime

>the game being bad is good because it filters people who like good games
You do actually have a good point. The quality of a product tends to be inversely proportional to the quality of its fanbase.

Post gen 2 you mean
>the sheer amount of stuff cut, including pokemon that are programmed in

Which Pokemon available in gen 2 weren't programmed into gen 3?

Pokemon's fanbase is high-quality?

we've had multiple save files since LGPE

I want to be enslaved by Sabrina.

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Why are you on vp if you just shit on how bad the games are? Like what style of graphics/art direction are you looking for?

>no multiple save files
Just add an extra user it ain't like animal crossing where theres 1 island per console.