Why does Any Forums hate brown/black people for no reason

Why does Any Forums hate brown/black people for no reason

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Any Forums is invading, pay no mind

>for no reason
I guess they move from their countries for no reason either

I paid for a color TV, I don't want to see blacks.

Self-hatred. Half of Any Forums and Any Forums's users are South Americans and SE Asians. /vst/ is the only board where most of its users are white.

>no reason

Because they are so fragile that a drawing of a person with a slightly darker skin tone than printer paper sends them into an inconsolable frothing rage.

may i introduce you to racism


>for no reason


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>No reason

They are Any Forums and Any Forums crossboarder tourist from leak season

racism is resurging worldwide and these sheep are following along like good little slaves

What's surging worldwide are apes that are finally allowed to burn down cities, rape and kill as much as they want while approved by TPTB and getting paid in reparations.
If people are beginning to notice and finally realize that yes, this entire time, your skin color does indeed matter and blacks have always been like this, then so be it, but it's niggers' fault lmao

I’m not racist, I like hispanics and Japanese people

Future grocery store shooter hands wrote this post.

>for no reason

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Unlikely because that user isn't black. You do know most mass shootings are niggers right? Or do you just slurp up the MSM tells you and don't actually do research?

Lmao cope.
Take your meds before you end up on the news.

I'm not American, I barely even have blacks within 100 miles of me. I'm sure that'll change in 20 or so years but after America melts down from its nigger population and WW3 starts I don't think ill live that long anyway

>muh MSM
news orgs sensationalise and editorialise but that's different from being outright liars. journalistic standards still exist. literally the very first thing facsists do is vilify the press, because their actions are objectively abhorrent and so they have to create obfuscation when their actions are reported accurately. wake up before your mass hysteria literally destroys the western world

Deny reality all you want

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Maybe whitey should've picked his own damn cotton

>You're a fascist if you call the media out for their bullshit
Yes and Donald Trump is definitely colluding with the Russians and there is no hunter biden laptop... I mean there's nothing on it! Yeah that's where the media is at now, revising the news as it happens instead of waiting for factual info and not admitting to being wrong publicly

We don't vilify the press when a white guy shoots up a bunch of niggers, we just don't care.
We do care about the hundreds of mass shootings committed by nogs that are never reported, the thousands of horrific crimes committed where the perpetrator's race is not mentioned unless they are white, and the number of indirect deaths caused by liberals in one way or another.
I wouldn't call buying a shotgun and waiting for the day when you commie jews try to kill me for being white hysteria. I'd just call it good preparation.

there's a world of difference between calling the media out when they get things wrong or sensationalise and the way fascists characterise them. you're doing it right now too, beliving trump of all people one of the most obviously bumbling conmen in history over actual journalists being held to actual standards. yes this is how fascism forms and you're uncritically lapping it up

>commie jews coming to kill me for being white
>this isn't hysteria

What does that have to do with Moroccans flooding the Netherlands and Belgium, or Turks flooding into Germany?

I only hate black people. I'd generally avoid anyone from cartel country but everyone else is whatever.
I'd prefer to only live around peaceful demographics, but I'd tolerate a SEAnigger any day over real niggers.
Also to further answer your question because they look like shit in Pokémon.

Jesus Christ. Niggerfuxation is real

Most of the time when a black guy shoots people its a gang member shooting other gang membersr
Only whitey decides to shoot innocent schoolchildren or churchgoers

Journalists are leftist scum and are usually women

Because whites are getting mad that they're getting replaced by the rape babies of the conquistadores.

You're retarded, I'm not believing trump in anyway. I'm pointing out that the Steele dossier was obviously falsified and proven fake a while ago, but the media still talks about trump like him and putin are best friends and that he did collude with him. And same with hunter biden laptop, it was blocked on major social media platforms during the election as "false information" because "there is no laptop, now bidens in office and there is a laptop but "theres nothing on it" and the investigation is on going still.

>no reason
Try living around them.

I'm brOwn and I hate being pandered to by hollywood jews and boomer nips for "representation." We know you think we're savages just make your cool movies and games.

Any Forumsacks, what's your favorite generation and Pokemon?

Children in schools are actively taught to hate whites with critical race theory.
Most media out now is against white men.
There are countless examples across reddit, Twitter, etc. of whites and non-whites actively expressing hatred for the white race.
The entire concept of affirmative action is white-based discrimination. It LITERALLY is "if you are white, another man is black, and you have the same qualifications, we will always hire the black man".
Liberals, also, push race war narratives just as much as conservatives, just more discreetly.

Don't get me wrong. I don't care if the white race gets bred out by 2200 or whatever, I can't control nature. I do care about the people right now who are in positions of power who hate me and wish to exploit or kill me for the color of my skin, while propping up the most dangerous species of animal (niggers).
This is a proper caution.

If that's the case, then whites are being pandered too for being ubiquitous across all media.

Gen 2, Gatr

>no reason

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>news orgs sensationalise and editorialise but that's different from being outright liars
lmao okay buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night

Nah, we just love whites actually.

>no reason

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Reddit did won in the end uh?

Wrong again, this porch monkey was speeding through a neighborhood that was hosting a school graduation party with children present and was told to slow down, then chimped out and tried to unload his AR into the families but was put down by a woman with a pistol.


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I don't hate ALL "brown" people.
Ancient Egyptians drive me fucking crazy i fucking love them. Too bad they are 100% extinct, they are no more.

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Shauna is a girl I want to have sex with (so is Mallow and Nessa). Peony and Kiawe would be good friends. Hop and Hau are character I want to stab with a kitchen knife.