Every fucking thread

>Every fucking thread
>Heh, did they get a REDDITOR to name these pokemon? Heheh, right guys?
>Get it, cuz reddit likes "smol"" and "chonk??"

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reddit thread, go back to discord

just outright admit that you're offended at your spic piggy being compared to leddit


>What!? People are making fun of the names that are obviously memes references!? NOOOOOOOOOOO

If you play pokémon, you are a redditor or worse. Sorry


>Obviously meme references.
Small+Olive. Cant remember what Lechonks name was based on but its not r/chonkers

What the fuck did you just say???

>amerifats can't figure out that lechonk is a play of words with lechon (pig in Spanish) and chonk of chunky. Chunky pig

Go back

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>spanish calling baby pigs “lechones” is a meme
Please, learn something that isn’t english

>learn something that isn't English
why? it's the only language that matters pablo

Ei oikeastaan.

this is the average burger

Just because third worlders call it that doesn't mean it's a good name, and they know what they're doing by adding the K on the end

>third world

>american calling others 3rd world

You first

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Well yeah, because it’s true.

>Get it, cuz reddit likes "smol"" and "chonk??"
I only know this now because of you faggots complaining about it. Really shows it takes one to know one around here. Buncha hypocrites.

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