How do you cure severe brain fog?

It's interfering with trading decisions

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Dunno I'm getting it from my gums being infected, been on antibiotics for a month and it filled back up again and shot pus everywhere, I'm in such terrible throbbing pain but I can't pull the tooth cause I have no money.
My life blows donkey dick.

Single fairly large dose of ketamine

Just don't get the vax? Problem solved.

many such cases

Generic text bot thread
First and second post are bots too

I'm a pureblood


Start eating sardines.

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Same kek, that guys just an idiot.

iodine and selenium
cod liver oil

Spend some time away from vaxxies. You're body needs to defend from their shedding.

Try swishing with coconut oil (oil pulling)

Using cholorhexidine?
Mouthwash and salting it as much as possible but the tooths so dead it's just reinfecting my body.
I gotta go get it yanks asap just can't afford it, once I can it's going, I just got on a different antibiotic Clindamycin hoping it helps since I think my tolerance to amox and bactrim is too high they don't work anymore.

Imagine unironically taking the vaccine.

You are the weakest willed, saddest excuse for, faggot imaginable.

Stop smoking weed and taking drugs.

lose weight
get better sleep
drink more water
dont drink or smoke weed/drugs

Its got to be to q pretty girl though, not some degenerate shit like private society where you get all excited for the depravity some of them indulge in.

>wondering why you have brain fog?

Stop eating too much sugar

If it's caused by what's being put in the body or what's in the body, then removal and discontinuation is required. Cleaner / more whole / closer to nature eating would eventually fix most. Like if all you ate was modern glyphosate-laden wheat and associated foodstuffs you'd probably be in a perpetual fog, it's just hard for most to not eat "normal" food.

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