Financially speaking you should brush your teeth. 500 dollars to remove these roots from my jaw

Financially speaking you should brush your teeth. 500 dollars to remove these roots from my jaw

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You should shove them up your ass.


Wtf give that to the doctor you dumb fuck before you infect yourself. You shouldn’t be handling that shit since you’re not a trained professional.

Red pill me on dental hygiene

bot thread

>he removed wisdom tooth

Do not consume sugar ever. Chew food a lot. Have xylitol gum after meals.

thats not very expensive all things considered

redpill me on wisdom teeth. I never actually had them

Yes this too, every day. I needed two extractions and a root canal because i never flossed. Brush twice a day, floss at night before your second brush and mouthwash before sleep.

>never actually had them
genetic deadend

Yup, xylitol is a must.
Ditch the fluoride jew.
Get a water pik also.

Started flossing every day a couple of years ago, makes a huge difference

next time go to mexico,

30-50 dollars... good local anesthesia as well

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when you floss, you want to RUB up and down the sides of your teeth. just doing one quick slide is not the answer. you need to rub it to get the film off. for 35 years i flossed and it wasnt until my latest dentist that questioned if i floss at all that i figured this shit out im so stupid.

OR acidic drinks, aka any soda replacement. That shit will eat through your teeth faster than sugar.

This. It's not about getting food out, it's about rubbing off the plaque that's accumulated. Also, get a good electric toothbrush.

this. the slide just pushes the plaue deeper into your gumline. here's a fun one: smell your floss after you finished. Especially the back teeth. That smell was getting picked up by your breath and everyone smelled it. Floss kids.

how do you not consume sugar and not feel like shit?

keto is a meme no matter how much fat and salt and magnesium I eat.

these. also ideally avoid coffee but baking soda helps counteract the acidity if you have to. also floss twice a day, rubbing the tooth and stimulating the gums.
