Matches announced for Rampage and Dynamite

Matches announced for Rampage and Dynamite

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Rampage is going up against the HOF and Supercard of Honor

>Puts young bucks vs top flight on rampage and briscos vs ftr on ring of honor
based. people can pick their favorite tag style

none of them ya lower

Bucks should show up at Supercard so they can make a big deal of them being on the same show at the same time.

fuck off edrone

>Tony going against himself
booker of the year

This is stacked finally the cards are looking more exciting

What's next weeks rampage look like? Ive been waiting to give aew its fifth shot in three years for a while now but this looks like absolute fucking dreck plus ive got a party to be at

>Hayter vs Blue
Holy yumola


yes indeed

>Evil Uno
Kek what a fuckin jobber

>kris statlander SPEAKS
this is a troll right?

How the fuck are they going to do 6 segments in 1 hour on rampage? Including a 6 man tag and a bucks match

Lambert and stat landers promos are like 1 minute long

rampage is always boring

dynamite has been consistently pretty good since cody's last appearance, apart from the women's matches and american top team segments

10 minutes each

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>Skye Blue and Hayter

fuego's obviously taking the pin...

>promo segments are going to be short, especially kris statlander's
>hayter's match will be short and very dominant, if not an outright squash
>house of black will probably be fairly dominant as well
>rampage often deletes entrances or puts the first entrance on youtube, to get more time for matches


>Hardys tables match
wtf is TK doing? People will be bored of them before the next ppv rolls in
