Celsius holders are desperately pleading with the Bankruptcy courts

Celsius holders are desperately pleading with the Bankruptcy courts...


>“I watched every single AMA each Friday since sign-up, and week in and week out Alex would talk about how Celsius is safer than banks because they supposedly don’t rehypothecate and use fractional reserve lending like the banks do,” Stephen Richardson wrote in a letter to the court. He described himself as a Celsius customer since 2019, with more than six figures worth of crypto on the platform.

>Flori Ohm, a single mother of two daughters headed to college next year, wrote in another letter: “I and my family are severely impacted both in financial and mental health by the bankruptcy and locked up cryptos. I always check the app if my cryptos are still there. I can’t focus [on] my job or sleep. I have supported my parents and my daughters by myself for [my] whole life. I am struggling hard [to make a] living,” she wrote.

>Stephen Bralver, another Celsius customer, said he has less than $1,000 left in a Wells Fargo checking account to support his family, after Celsius froze all withdrawals. Bralver called for a release of his funds with Celsius, saying that “this is an EMERGENCY situation, simply to keep a roof over my family and food on their table.”

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You MotherFuckers!

why do these retards speculate their life savings then have to make it everyone elses problem when they inevitably lose it? i swear, it's like these normies follow a cookie cutter model of life then kvetch when they lose a game that they knew was rigged from the beginning.

I tried to warn people about crypto, but it fell on deaf ears. Now they reap what they sowed.
You’d have to be an absolute financial retard to put any amount of money into a “crypto bank” like that.

The people who lost money were mainly normalfags who thought Celsius was a safe and trusted bank-like platform
There wasn't nearly as much crying about Bitconnect, because that was obviously degen ponzi shit

thank you based jews for the keks

Should have used defi fagots

Do you think the judge will hear their pleas? Kek!

>Do you think the judge will hear their pleas?
of course not
around jews you always lose
thanks for the money goyim :^)

Do not redeem my savings

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Nothing to do with crypto, faggot. You could have given these fags any currency or asset and you'd have the same result

Bancor says hi

Where is Mashinksy?
Why is it a yaught instead of a jail cell with tyrone?
oh ya

This was obvious ponzi scheme like bitconnect only more polished. promising returns like above 20% when alt coins and crypto is already volatile enough.

And less secure then real banks because it is unregulated space.

>some random Jewish guy makes promises too good to be true
>greedy goy buy it all up
>gets mad when the scorpion stings

lol. Didn't they learn from Bitconnect?

Bitconnect was so small though. It was very niche that most normies never even heard of it.

>Celsius is safer than banks because they supposedly don’t rehypothecate and use fractional reserve lending like the banks do,”
how retarded do you have to be to see yields of 15-20% on stables when the defi rate is

>promising returns like above 20%
Most of these people deposited BTC and stablecoins that paid less than 6% for the most part, maybe 10% if you chose to get paid in CEL and were a platinum member. I think that the single-digits APY was one thing that made people think it was safe.

exactly, look at something like XCM, the coinmetro token, offers like 4% APY maximum, but now they've rugged and people can't even sell it anymore, that 4% is worthless

Except every crypto is ALSO a pyramid scheme.

Yes, judges are normies and will fall to sympathy rather than enact blind justice. Sorry, you can't get as much money as a creditor because Sarah is a single mom and needs to receive the full amount of her losses possible.

It’s even more stupid than that.
A yield for a given stock is a percentage returned to you via dividends which are paid with the companies net profit which is generate by revenue. Bitcoin does not generate revenue. Therefore he must be taking your coins and loaning them out or buying up something with them that can generate revenue in order to provide yield but he claimed he wasn’t. It’s a complete scam. Idiots throwing their money away without even knowing the first thing about trading or the market

not even remotely true