Started a new job 8 months ago

>started a new job 8 months ago
>remote work
>do maybe 2 hours of work a day if no meetings are scheduled with me
>nobody has said anything
They must know, right? Why haven't I been fired yet?

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same here. in fact i get mad when anyone bothers me with a FUCKING QUESTION. why would i get fired? i'm paid for my knowledge and skills, not to grind out 8.00 hours of work per day like some clock punching wagie.

gf started a job 6 months ago and absolutely hates it since it isn't remote, told her to begin submitting her resumes for remote only jobs so she can bum around at home and live stress free loool

I do something similar
Survived the talent review, but they only gave me a 2% raise

user, everyone is doing this. Even the bootlickers. This has been happening for decades and is not a new phenomenon. Enjoy it while it lasts as it’s coming to an end very shortly. The rug pull is going to be glorious.

Hell man I don't even care if I get a raise, I'm making good money for very minimal effort here.

They will fire you if they don't make more money from you being there than they pay you. Its as simple as that. Chances are you work for a tech company and having you on the payroll makes the company look legit or checks some box so it doesnt matter what you do anyway. Im in a similar situation

This is what happens. The company can somewhat see your productivity isn't great but instead of firing you and creating office rumors/drama, they just keep you around and either give you no raise or a tiny one that makes no difference. They do this hoping you'll choose to leave on your on.

t. Engineering firm manager

>wfh 3/5 days per week
>team in timezone halfway around the world, we overlap for 3.5 hrs
>watch yt and shitpost on Any Forums most of the day
>120k compensation
>still want to quit and retrain as a massage therapist

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They're all doing the same thing user, it's a classic prisoners dilemma it all works as long as no one snitches

>>still want to quit and retrain as a massage therapist
No one wants to pay a dude for rub downs

Speak for yourself, this board is the most inclusive shit in the internet, 80% of people here are fags. Especially OP

>Started work 3 months ago
>High stress accountant job
>Boss is a fucking moron
>got hired in the middle of a company wide ERP software conversion
>constant pressure can never relax even at home
>No break room and it’s a 20mile drive home so I have to eat lunch in the Kroger parking lot or at my desk

How do you explain to an employer about how you’re looking for a new job after 3 months, without looking like a piece of shit?

How do I profit from this?

most business is a funnel for tax money, it doesn't matter what you actually do as long as you don't get in the way.

OP very good at not getting in the way. Model employee.

They don't know, and if they say anything quit and find another remote gig.

t.working two full time remote gigs.

Just dont quit lol. And only work on tasks that are deemed highly urgent.

I still have tickets open from 4 months ago and I'm hoping my manager just forgot about them

You don't explain it to them. Why would you?

>3 Month gap
>Looking for a job now

That doesn't really answer... why are you fearing looking poorly if the work environment sucks? You should be looking out for your own well-being as opposed to what a company thinks of you.

Can you train me for your position? Or give some advice? [email protected]

Can you help me get in on one of your gigs user? [email protected]