Destroys the legacy of Gen 2 forever

>destroys the legacy of Gen 2 forever

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Based Pokemon Chadenges making Any Forums seethe and living rent free in their heads

Johtofags still haven't recovered from this

Hi, PC. You suck and your facial hair is pathetic.

Hi schizo, take meds.

It was a long time coming but I'm glad someone finally did it.

I've always disliked them the most, and it's very fucking funny seeing whiny johturds squirming and squealing at their mid on a good day games being called bad

If you dislike Johto
Get the fuck out of Any Forums

Yes, Johto sucks. Btw i'm Trans and 5'7
And we should all take the vaccine, xixters!

>Johtolover is an anti-vaxxtard that let's trannies live rent free in his head

you most love Johto because i clearly stated that I AM TRANS (And i let the tea spill chile) and i finna know that Johto SUCKS.
Johtoddlers can't read baka fr fr nc

>youtuber opinion

You're trying too hard

Fr fr sis Johto SUCKS btw i'm trans

You're still trying too hard

Nah sis Johto sucks fr fr nc have you watched the new PC Nuzlocke? This time he said something about the Level Curve of Johto and Johtoddlers WERE MAD!
Let that tea spill, xix

How could anyone say this? Johto is amazeballs and the best gen ever! Btw I'm 5'0" and from Any Forums and a 50 year old khv

Yeah Johto SUCKS! I failed highschool because of my low IQ btw and not even McDonalds accepted retards like me.

I'm going to keep responding to you to see how far you're redditness goes.

Same here brother! I'm Btw

>Johto is Ba-
Nope, Mathematically incorrect. Try again next time, Reddit.

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oh look it's this thread again