You can tell btc maxis want to murder all ethereum holders in their sleep and ethereum has driven bitcoin maxis to...

you can tell btc maxis want to murder all ethereum holders in their sleep and ethereum has driven bitcoin maxis to insanity.

Attached: 3924FAEA-454A-493A-8BD0-996055D7EE7B.jpg (1125x1220, 505.91K)

>laughs in link shorts

Why are they suddenly so angry at this time? The small ratio recovery?

because the merge worked virtually flawlessly on test net and has a deployment date now. not even mEth heads thought that shit was going to work, but here it is working

their 5 minutes of gloating as eth stopped outperforming bitcoin for a few weeks out of the last ~4 years was quite amusing

you'd be surprised to find that most bitcoin maximalists bought ethereum at the presale, they'll never admit it though. ethereum is 75%+ owned by bitcoin maximalists and ex-bitcoin maximalists.
only the late adopters are salty.

BTC and ETH maxis are cringe as fuck. They constantly pull bullshit reasons out of their asses to shit on anything that isn't their bags.

bitcoin maximalism is at least consistent, but i don't see how anybody could contort reality to make being an altcoin maxi make any sense.

How is either Sol or Eth centralised? BTC maxi's shitting up other chains to get people to prop up the value of their useless bags?

>buy bitcoin and pray it goes to 100k (5x)
>buy eth and pray it goes to 10k (10x)
>one of these two currently has an assload of meme-power behind it due to some vague, but catchy "two more weeks until the big thing" promise

I understand if they've got their life savings tied up in one or the other, but it's magic internet money, not a religion. Buy what you think will make you the most money and start praying lol.

They realize eth will flip btc

you really don't see how solana is a centralized network when they shut it down how many times now and not even a renegade miner was capable of starting it before the team coordinated a start themselves?

yeah, at this point neither bitcoin or ethereum is going to make you rich, crypto is far too mature for that these days.

How is coordinating a restart of a stalled network with the consensus and permission of the majority of validators centralised? That seems like it's a decentralised network showing it can react fast to a crisis moment. BTC should have a supply in the billions by your logic due to a minting bug that was rolled back, which should of never been rolled back.

if the chain is not hosted on every person's cell phone, desktop computer, raspberry pi, or laptop, it's not decentralized you chudcel.

I'm sorry. I will repent, sell my bags and buy btc.

its only possible because you can coordinate the tiny number of validatorsin the first place. when ethereum forked, even they couldn't shut the network down, which is why they couldn't roll back and had to mutate state much later. solana had no problem because they have all the decentralization of EOS.

>which should of never been rolled back
ok, so you don't actually understand what you're talking about, nevermind then.

You need to educate yourself. The network stalled, they didn't shut it down just because *reasons* dip ship. No single entity made a decision to stop the network and thousands of entities agreed to restart it.
I accept your concession.

>muh... muh MERGE
the merge changes nothing, lmfao

then why did you do an ass blasted reply to a 2 hour old post?