Imagine you made a big investment

And you are really convinced by it. Like really. And you shill it everywhere. Friends, family, twitter, work, everywhere all day basically. You keep on doubling down on it, over and over again. At this point you basically didn't just marry your bags, you've become them. But then you see a small crack in your investment thesis. You ignore it. You see another. You double down on your investment again to demonstrate confidence. You go ever deeper into the rabbithole.

Now imagine after all this it *does* turn out you were wrong. You made a terrible mistake. But you basically staked your entire reputation, your entire net worth, your entire network on it.

How can you recover from this? Would you admit failure and change course? Or would you instead try everything in your power (and let's assume you do have some power and influence) to simply somehow keep on walking the path you've started? Even though you're wrong?

Now let's face it, most people will put the blinders on and keep going, that's just facts. But maybe there is a way to get out... can you think of one?

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not reading your summerfaggot plebbit blogpost

Just lie, that's what everyone does. Stop trying to be honest in world of liars.

>ahh no mate that wasnt me i have no idea what youre on about. good kuck with your investment i guess!

What coin, OP?
However bad you feel, imagine how Saylor and Bukele feel.

Why can’t you retards grasp the fact that you can make large investments, and still control the drawdowns and manage risk properly?

Stop being a fucking idiot. Learn proper portfolio management.

Nah I'd own up to it. To myself mainly. Others I would if they approached me over it, I'm not gonna make some silly public display over it if nobody is even calling me out. But this is why you keep it to yourself or tell them to do their own research over and over.. but I remember telling everyone I could about link in 2017 and nobody cared anyways.

This is the story of /gme/

Except gme mooned like crazy and most of them had a good chance to sell at profit. It's not like these guys got rugpulled on butconnect.

turn yourself in, alex

I don’t have to imagine, this happens every single cycle. They just disappear. They stop posting. They tell their friends “hmm yeah I actually sold the top but I’m keeping an eye on the market haha I only had lunch money in anyway it was just a fun gamble really I don’t even care about the price”

Lol it mooned in about a week and has been bleeding for 2 years AKA classic archetypical P&D pattern. 95% of baggies are underwater it is an absolute massacre.

you just learn from it and move on, that's all you can do. it's why I don't shill crypto to anyone I know irl anymore, only random people over the internet.

No more like
>ah that one yeah I sold at the peak haha
>oh yeah that one did poorly but I also held another one that did a 100x, spent it all on hookers already though haha
You get the idea. Just lie, everyone does it

but I invested in ren, I wont need to admit I'm wrong

Found the kike.
You need to be honest with yourself and others. The longer you carry on a lie or ignore the truth the more damage you do to yourself and others who trust you. It's okay to admit you're wrong, it's part of growing up. It's called humility.

Is this a stealth chainlink fud thread? Because I am so here for it

Found the autismo who doesn't understand that social interactions are a game. Play it to win, don't take it too seriously

Yes, keep lying and burning bridges to those who trust you. Eventually you'll run out of people to fleece and end up alone and hated, paying hookers to love you. But at least you have money though, right?

I don't care about user, and I also don't offer any guidance. I don't inform them if I invest in reliable projects like Kolnet or HPS. I only shared the outcome. I don't want to stress my life out over this bullshit advise. I don't want to put the blame on me fuck.

>burning bridges to those who trust you
Not how trust works. People would always trust a charismatic liar over an honest creep, you can see it everywhere around you. Disney lied to you, being honest and kind is not the way to get people to like you.

it's OK just tell us you hold LINK lol

You admit failure and change course. For one thing, you never marry your bags let alone do all the shit you said in the OP. People don't realize when you do this you are conditioning yourself with a bias. A surefire way to breed dishonesty. You need to apologize to everyone you ever told and explain your misjudgment.

Never lie.