Its been 6 months and nothing has yet to top this match

its been 6 months and nothing has yet to top this match

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Take me back bros it was so good

That match was fucking phenomenal and I already miss Kenny-era AEW. Not only this masterpiece, but that 5 vs 5 Space Jam match against Dark Order, Christian feud, taking the title to Impact, Don Callis being Kenny's obnoxious mouthpiece. All of that was kino as fuck. And as good as those months were, it would've been somehow even better if he wasn't seriously injured.

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Kenny omega is unironically the gretatest wrestler alive today, shame he's a fag

Ospreay vs. ZSJ
ZSJ vs. Takagi
ZSJ vs. Naito
Okada vs. Tama g1
Hiromu vs. Evil
NJPW has shat all over AEW when it comes to actually having great matches.

>Okada vs. Tama g1
>Hiromu vs. Evil

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Never saw it

was there live and rewatching it again take me back bros

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preach so true


>this was six months ago already

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>its been 6 months

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It was magic

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>this was 6 months ago

lmao wtf that means it has been half a year since AEW put on a good show. What the fuck is Tony doing?

I'll give you okada vs. tama, that more sentimental but im not a fan of hiromu or evil. Their match, the story and the finish were amazing and got a few forbidden pops. Honestly it'd be easier to list what few matches were terrible in njpw lately.

I will forever love this gif and the memories that accompany it.
Guerilla Tactics bro

In ring isn't everything. Crowd atmosphere plays a big factor and nothing comes close to Arthur Ashe.

pls tell my wife that she a shit job at decorating, my drinking buddies always make fun of it whenever they come over but my wife insists that she did a good job

Is your wife hot?
