What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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his favorite game company wasn't fast enough to tell him NFTs are le good before reddit glowies told him they were le bad

you know how women infest Your favourite sport/club/activity? then demand that you change it for them

this is basically what NFT cunters like You do, and people dont want Your shit in their already miserable environment.

it's just a matter of time

>sitting in a room stuffed full of Official™ Licensed™ plastic merchandise of his favorite Intellectual Properties
>NFTs are... le bad!
I actually hate NFTs myself but you'd think this faggot would eat that shit up.

This guy became too obnoxious over the years, he constantly exaggerates every news and tries for the most inflammatory angles on everything he covers.

GAYmers hate everything MSM tells them to hate, they're the perfect goyim drones

Bingo. NFT niggers want to shit up all over gaming and wonder why no one is happy to see a bunch of greedy, opportunistic faggots try and force their way into financial control over an industry that is already too kiked for its own good.

Physical merchandise is a different than an overpriced, overhyped steam trading card.

>Physical merchandise is a different than an overpriced, overhyped steam trading card.
Sure, I agree, but it's still completely retarded. You're overpaying by thousands of percent for a chunk of moulded plastic or polyester stuffed with industrial waste. You might as well dispense with the garbage and spend money on a digital nothingness if your cash is burning a hole in your pocket bad enough to waste it on that trash. At least when you go to resell an NFT you don't have to deal with some stinky faggot from FB marketplace.

>NFTs are trying to le force their way in
probably the most demented persecution complex I've seen since gaymergate

If that's your logic, the better choice is simply not to waste your money on any kind of "collectible" in the first place, but definitely not to fall for the NFT nigger's promises of making generational wealthy off "digital collectibles"

>NFT BAD!!!!
Meanwhile mobile gaming is full of gachas, I'm playing them and having fun. I love gambling. If they were using NFT I could actually make money from my gambling too. But no that's too based for GAYmers, GAYmers need to fight anything that's even remotely based

>brings up gaymergate
ok retard, just keep buying your jpgs. I'll mod in any items i want into any game i want.

go for it buddy, that has nothing to do with blockchains and never did


Gacha and lootboxes are bad too.

Gacha is awesome, it's gambling but you don't lose any money. If you're not a gambler get the fuck out of here tourist

same as video games then ?

Depending on the game, it's gambling where the odds of winning are worse than Vegas and all you're getting is a character or item that marginally improves your chances of grinding some irrelevant story missions or some event quests that net you minimal rewards and require hours play invested each day... You are paying so you can play more so while you are wasting time playing, the game is slightly less tedious to play.

Didn't read, your gay, gacha is fun especially if it has big titted waifus

people can do whatever they want with games. that includes blockchain games

Out of all the hype crowds I witnessed NFT ones were the funniest. Both financially and computer illiterate, dumb with no sense, but also very arrogant and sure in themselves, and after losing so much they were still blaming other things like banks. In a way NFTs were like crypto's natural selection, if you bought it, you got IQ filtered

NFTs are based but .jpg use case is retarded. Emin is right, NFTs are a perfect solution for on-chain debt/mortgage

No, kys incel

Oh I'll kys (Kiss Your Sisters puss) for sure