I will never fucking buy a pokemon game until gamefreak picks up their shit and puts every pokemon in the game...

I will never fucking buy a pokemon game until gamefreak picks up their shit and puts every pokemon in the game. I don’t fucking get it, they did this for the past 20+ years and now suddenly they just can’t do it anymore. How fucking hard can it be? It makes no fucking sense to me (coming from a software engineer)

Attached: FEF84DD6-67BE-4733-BAEA-BA590558A935.png (640x780, 551.44K)

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There weren't nearly 1000 Pokemon back then, and now they're actually evolving the series instead of just slapping more gimmicks on top of the same archaic gameplay as a 20+ year old Game Boy game.

>don’t fucking get it, they did this for the past 20+ years and now suddenly they just can’t do it anymore
wow it's almost as if the number of pokemon keeps increasing or something

>It makes no fucking sense to me (coming from a software engineer)
wow they're really just giving anyone degrees nowadays huh

>Using the same 3d model for the last 10 years
>Erm actually we are a transrights indie company so we cannot include those pokemon

>>Using the same 3d model for the last 10 years

Attached: 1646020038860.png (586x561, 364.12K)

The reason it makes no sense to me is that pokemon *should* be stored as some datastructure that goes something like this:

Model, stats, moveset, individual-specific stats

and in the individual specific stats we’d have things like badges, owner name, info on where it was hatched, you get the rest. If you look at it this way, it should be fucking irrelevant whether the game has 500, 1000, or even 10,000.

They have the data for a 3d model of every pokemon that exists already, that’s the hardest part I imagine, and the rest is carried over from every previous game. There is BARELY any “”””balancing””””” going on, so why is it so hard?

You literally just posted the same models, except the left has bumpmaps and is rendered differently. Shows a misunderstanding of 3d rendering. They definitely are re-using data. And that’s not a bad thing, why the fuck wouldn’t they re-use data. I’m trying to say WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HARD

That's not how video games work.

>You literally just posted the same models
Thanks for confirming you're a retard

they are kept in a structure like that. but every time you change engines you have to manually add the system to interpret those data structures, you have to add every move animation from those movepools, you have to add every evolution method, and then you have to test all these interactions to make sure the battle system doesn't have any game breaking bugs. When you have 900+ characters it just becomes an utter nightmare, especially now when they're adjusting the models to be able to interact with the open areas / open world. You'd know how this works if you had any idea of how software development works.


they will never pick up their shit, they did the cut to shill home, anything else was just an excuse, and they're only now picking up on the "b-better grafix!" excuse

They unironiclly are a small company who is constantly stretching itself over 3 games at any given time

Small indie company dude, it's so hard for the billion dollar franchise to try hard, they only have like 2 programmers and 4 dollars to make each game :(

Oh how do they work then user? Enlighten me on how the fuck they work, because it seems like you’ve never coded a thing in your life

The pokemon I have I bred for specific fighting strategies. Yes, I could go on showdown, but having the same pokemon from game to game and playing against other people with their pokemon is very much a part of the appeal. Almost half my fuckin pokemon didn’t get into SWSH, so why would I invest any time in a new game if those pokemon might be moot by the next?

It wasn’t a small amount, it was almost HALF THE POKEMON that exist

Game Freak is woefully understaffed for a franchise of this size. They only have around 167 employees, which is indie-tier by today's standards. And that already small number is split up between different projects. Combine that with them having to release a new Pokemon game every year and a new generation every three or so years to refresh the brand, and it's no wonder so many corners are cut.

EA is a company with over 9000 employees, and even they have this problem. So it's laughable to expect any better from a company with less than 200 employees.

Do you know how much money pokemon makes? Why don’t they just HIRE MORE FUCKING EMPLOYEES

Even 100 people getting paid 100k each would barely dent the revenue they get from the games. A 1000 people at the same price would still be under 10% of the revenue from the games. That’s enough for ONE PERSON PER FUCKING POKEMON getting paid 100k and still 90% of the revnue is left over

Someone has some required watching to do.

>Do you know how much money pokemon makes? Why don’t they just HIRE MORE FUCKING EMPLOYEES

That's exactly what they do and have been doing. Every time they make a new game, they hire a bunch of freelancers and outsource to other companies.

it's really funny seeing people who have never even seen a line of code in their lives think that every software development problem can be fixed by just throwing more devs at it

I have no idea why they decided to do this in SwSh, yes
maybe they were scared of the future, or some shit

Or maybe they don't know how to optimize games anymore...? Yeah, that's the most likely.

By any means, dexcut is STILL complete bullshit with no reason to be