Understanding what you're investing in. A glimpse into the mind of:

Understanding what you're investing in. A glimpse into the mind of:
Eric Schmidt

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Did he just say his name is Chris Jerkoff?

>redefine what it means to be a human being

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He seems quite popular too

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>he was a bit disingenuous about just how much algorithms can be manipulated by partisans
This interview seemingly came out around the time he was announced to be on the Chainlink tea!

Listen at 19:46
I wonder what his plans for Chainlink are..

2005, wow

eric shit is not a panacea for chainlink and he does a poor job at covering up the failure of the chainlink team to deliver on tech. now they expect me to believe enterprises are using chainlink "like right now" but only provide a paper promise in the form of another blogpost to prove it.
>404 tech not found
>just wait another five years nigger
>chainlink have to wait for the meth merge!
>stfu about blockchain agnostic tech!
>we dont discuss how anons can profit from this there is no profit to be made in blockchains anymore
fuck me another shitty shill thread made by chris or eric or another dumbfuck gaslighter. go the fuck back to twitter niggers

“Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberality, and for the rights of mankind. Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government. There are only two main theories of government in our world. One rests on righteousness and the other on force. One appeals to reason, and the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in the republic, the other is represented by despotism.

The government of a country never gets ahead of the religion of a country. There is no way by which we can substitute the authority of law for the virtue of man. Of course we endeavor to restrain the vicious, and furnish a fair degree of security and protection by legislation and police control, but the real reform which society in these days is seeking will come as a result of our religious convictions, or they will not come at all. Peace, justice, humanity, charity—these cannot be legislated into being. They are the result of divine grace.” - Calvin Coolidge

Nobody should trust anything that nigger has to say. He glows brighter than the fucking sun.

>2m04s Thanks the WHO and Anthony Fauci
>2m55s We must understand the role of information, the role of empowerment andthe role of science in getting us to a great outcome

I'm all in Chainlink and I admire what this guy has achieved at Google but this stuff makes my blood run cold. He really does glow here. Surely he knows Fauci is fake af and represents greedy pharma who don't give a fuck about our health?
Unless he's playing some sort of 4D chess and is actually a good guy, though I'm struggling with that one.
>3m14s How do we prepare for this? Little things like 'listening to doctors, proper health guidance... not having confusing messages, that sort of thing'

Yeh Eric, except any doctors who disagreed with psychopathic pharma-paid shills were sidelined, deplatformed and struck off medical registers. How the fuck do people like Eric think we're all so stupid we didn't notice the complete one-sidedness of the debate over covid and vaccines? If 'not having confusing messages, that sort of thing' means that we have to accept the opinion of one side of the 'scientific' debate on matters in future (and guess which side we hear?) then i'm old enough and big enough to decide for myself which of these 'confusing messages' is likely true.

Where do you draw the line with this stuff. He;s basically suggesting we're all too dumb to make decisions for ourselves, and need choice taken out of the equation. This is the stuff distopian nightmares are made of, and is the dream of these globalist technocrats, who are inching us towards this very state of affairs. Frightening stuff.

I mean... he's written a book on AI with Kissinger, he's not on our side.

Eric Schmidt is a known child diddler in the cabal community.

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Day #250 of Link fudders seething about Eric Schmidt

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implicit are two classes of beings - masters and slaves. the inevitable result of computerization is the total mitigation of slaves. they are numbers in a spreadsheet, to be manipulated algorithmically. they've already been doing this for years. where do you see this going user? what do you propose as an alternative? you call it a dystopian nightmare, when a world locked eternally in a state identical to that of the past few thousand years is absolutely nightmarish to imagine. i don't know how to communicate how horrifying something like this is , where the vast majority of the population will literally kill you if you do not buy into their books and scams, and will feel moral and just doing so, and they've been doing this for millennia while claiming to speak for what they call god. these are the masses of people who have always done what they are told by a book, written by humans, programming them to behave within a narrow set of restrictions, completely gatekeeping the human mind and ways of even perceiving the world. human history has been one long nightmare. I would like to take the chance to finally wake up

>I thought it was timely, honest, and was pertinent to the crisis we are in concerning Eric Schmidt’s total sell out to China through advanced technology stolen from Google, Facebook, WhatsApp and other digital platforms that have come to aggressively control all Chinese. I believe Eric’s evil program, Dragonfly, has already been implemented in America.

I am calling him out for his lies and his complete control by the Chinese Communist Party. Eric has lied so much lately and has admitted that he created the Social Credit System now ruling China for a ruthless totalitarian government that has Eric controlled and manipulated by President Xi Jinping and his central committee. In May of this year, Eric said that he also bifurcated the Internet for China so that there will soon be two different Internets – one controlled by America and one by China. These things are immoral and wrong and must be stopped.

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He's literally a jew. I just hope that chainlink is the mark of the beast. And no the mark isnt a physical thing but your beliefs/faith.

this is such diseased cultic thinking. revelations isn't even interesting or well-written yet it is apparently perfectly tuned to capture the slave imagination and insulate them from anything that might allow them to make their own decisions instead of being bound by another human being's will. all cults do this, the abrahamic ones just happen to be the biggest so these blatant juvenile psyop techniques cast a massive net that compounds over time

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that is such diseased atheist thinking bro

I'm not an atheist. humans have a diseased human-centric idea of god. every form of religion on earth is a form of human-worship posing as worship of the divine


that's all you have to say? you already have your "mark of the beast", the words of mankind burned onto your brain that you pretend are "holy"