Why force people to work if they do not want to work and agree to a simple lifestyle...

Why force people to work if they do not want to work and agree to a simple lifestyle? if we give 350 million people $2000 a month that means 700 billion a month, while the US produces 2 Trillion a month. This would streamline every aspect of life, as those who choose to live off the system dont clog jobs with bad workers, they spend the money on essentials, even baby's get $2000 so parents dont need to worry about having children and where the money comes from, and those wanting more are free to work or move or learn or borrow (UBI would not be considered as income toward a loan unless its for a house or car)

We spend more money on homelessness, welfare, healthcare, incarceration and maintenance than simply giving every US citizen $2000 a month or 700 billion a month.

yes 80% of people may choose not to work and play video games and youtube all day, but the 20% that want to evolve beyond + automation are more than capable of driving innovation, right now its the opposite and everyone is suffering.

why isnt money dispersment not a valuable roll in todays society where so much cash is generated and instead of distributed, its horded?

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>dude just print more money
holy shit kill yourself

how many times does central banking have to destroy the economy for you retards to understand it doesn't work?

>its horded?
when money is saved, it means prices come down
resources arent being hoarded

Whats missing is making the Money Programmable, you cant Trust people with 2000 Bucks and you dont want to overinflate.
>replace money through a CBDC
>make it programmable and tie the UBI in with the Social Credit System and a new Worldwide Vaccine Register
>Money can only be spend on things that the Smart Contract allows to the Consumer so nobody can overconsume
>Every UBI CBDC Buck you get is programmed to expire preventing you from saving anything

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Programmable Money solves this by giving the Money an expiration date.
Its also only allowed to spend it in certain ways which also helps contain the inflation.

>bro just create a command economy bro
>bro just trust the central planners bro
Literally kill yourself

these UBI/MMT cuckolds are just tools of the world economic forum
unless you were actually being serious, then I hope you die

Covid free money ruined the economy and job market, and proved UBI will never work.

Isn't that gonna limit innovation and the creation of new businesses that would benefit the country? Does the NWO not know this?

The endgame of the UBI is to be fully decentralized, in this context it means that a Smart Contract and the Oracles see everything you do and log your behavior everywhere no matter where you are in the world, the contract then could decide which things you are allowed to buy, where you are allowed to go etc.
Every Individual Human will be Micromanaged by Chains that he cant even see.
Eventually when we all merge with the Machine implants then they will even be able to Predict our behavior and influence it too based on our thoughts.
Bad thoughts : less UBI to spend
Good Thought : higher Bug Ration

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Why keep feeding useless eaters on UBI? Why not just pump cyanide gas into their pods?

its more about where the money is going to first, if they sent the money directly to tax payers, they would naturally disburse the money to companys fulfilling necessities, unfortunately an average American isnt buying a missle or fighter jet, so shell corporations have lobbied for first dibs infront of the printing press, and then the fed shrugs when the regular tax payer continues to suffer.

I get $2160 tax free in gibbs from the feds each month for VA disability and work a wfh analyst job in a flyover state. It's great, pretty much making 6 figures doing nothing every day. Still working to get it bumped up to $3500 a month

The fully decentralized System can figure out which People deserve more UBI and Privileges than others based on their past current and predicted future behavior.
For important Members of Society the Smart Contracts will be elegant and allow them to use their Resources in a more efficient way. They will never see the bad Restricted side of the UBI that most Poorfag Golems will experience.
The system the WEF proposes will manage this Filth in a sustainable way.

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>Why keep feeding useless eaters on UBI?
They arent really feeding them.
The System the WEF proposes is managing the Depopulation in a way so it doesnt end in total chaos for the Ruling Class.
Population reduction is actually a lot more difficult than most People would expect.

They feel that innovation has gone far enough. Stagnation is the way forward.

Line drawn here, this is America, I get rondo what the fuck I want with my UBI check. Society can self regulate itself without brininging in Crypto bull shit.

remove the middle man, but let life teach me how to manage my money, Ill learn quickly since I get my check monthly. every month a new learning experience.

I am serious in that I explained to you how the UBI system of the Future works and how they planned it and where Money is heading in the Future.
So dont shoot the Messenger for the bad news.

>I get my check monthly
As long as you maintain a high personal ESG score

>remove the middle man
The middle man just takes the cut and doesnt have to do the work anymore, thats the advantage of programmable money for them. You are still the Lifestock on this farm, it just runs better but not for you.
An excuse is easily found to implement this, Covid and other fake Pandemics, the fake Climate Change and the CO2 emission bullcrap, fake and staged WW3.
From there the Judeo Phoenician Bankers crash the Financial System and provoke a reformation of all currencies.
Basically as the Dollar becomes worthless you are herded into a new digital currency and you better convert quick, the price is dumping and so are all your savings in the old currency.
Most People will accept this change, the ones who dont get broken and crushed.

Okay, you've convinced me. This sounds chill. I could see benefits of stagnation. But isn't this only possible if every nation adopts the same system? Nations today are trying to outpace each other with technology, why would they choose to stop that?

Except whoops, here comes competition, a 13 yo Korean just created FuckPhoenicians Token with more favorable tokenomics and a 1% reflection to all holders with the token and a cute cat girl logo, down goes your neodollar

>why don't 20% of ppl paypig for 80% of ppl
there is a better way

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All Nations on this Planet signed up for the 2030 Agenda. The UBI System will be Worldwide but every country, every place will have its own customized settings.
Some Places in this world could be relatively "soft" to the Population, a Social Credit System usually has a Carrot and a Stick (reward and punish), but the thing also works if you abandon the Stick idea.
In other Places the UBI system could be very strict and punish you for all kinds of things you did, thought or are projected to do.

But all Nations, all Central Banks are on Board with the underlying Idea of this System. This is the Future of Money, this is their Vision.

You need the 80% of filler population to maintain interest, otherwise you end up like free to play games with only the 1% of community left who actually buy things, empty.

the problem in your idea is that the Token wont be accepted for anything, instead you will need the "neodollar" to pay your bills, your taxes and do everything else with it. all your invoices will be smart contracts only accepting this neodollar, failure to pay will result in the Termination of some of your rights.
that neodollar account will also be directly tied to your identity, you own this wallet wether you want it or not and decentralized Sensors could even send you invoices for the CO2 you produce doing nothing but breathing silently in your room.

Is it baby newfrens day on Any Forums today? I appreciate spoonfeeding as much as the next goy, but it's something people have to learn on their own. Telling them the plot makes weak allies.

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So like now a good 2/3rd of jobs are absolutely useless and meant to keep the rest of the eaters from being homeless remember when everyone stayed home and the essential workers had to keep working at grocery stores and gas stations but didn’t get a raise? Remember how society didn’t collapse?