Shuts down his entire country

>Shuts down his entire country

>Fucks the world economy

Attached: 8B9A2D1B-A16C-4F24-8C00-15E293063D7D.jpg (807x607, 73.73K)

>desperate regime of corrupt elites
>periodic purges to consolidate power
>shuts down his country to protect the establishment at the cost of development and betterment of his people
>china suffers

Yea sounds about right,

Says the mutt:
>with food so poisonous that it results in a 70% obesity+overweight rate
>with culture so decadent you literally have people changing genders
>daily mass shootings because mkultra media
>largest racial division ever
>ruling caste is entirely of jewish origin
>high rates of drug abuse
>high rates of single mother homes
>where young people are a caste of perma renters
>non functional borders
Kek americucks are so spineless that they have no government and instead are fully ruled by private entities.


at least mutts aren't bug people Chang.

why can't people just accept deaths holy shit
especially from rucking omicron what even is the death rate 0.00001%?

No arguments.
They're worse than bugs. At least bugs produce. Mutts just consume and self destruct.

>poisonous food that results in 70% obesity
Because burgers at least get to eat as much as they want fucking lol.

Change, your country was built by Americans, and owned by the same click that owns America. Where do you think Mao graduated from?
Oh yes an American university.
Do you think every single peasant descent could create the form of government you have on a single generation? You'll always be a slave, you chankoro nigger.

>no you dont get it, i actually enjoy eating heavily modified processed food with questionable ingredients that makes me a bloated stupid retard
Eks dee

True true

Too bad you can't utilize those powerful American universities to learn your own language, you stupid fuck. Yes America produces strong elites (really just by leveraging its economic power). But take the bulk of the American public (you), and you have some of the most gross stupid motherfuckers on the planet.
I've lived in like 10 countries and never seen people walk around with clothes that have grease stains on them and holes and sizes 2x larger than their already obese frames. The average mutt has no understanding of anything really. The literacy rates are now sub 50% I believe, and the only remaining competent people are up north and in tech hubs (increasingly made up of migrants because actual Amerimutts can't do shit).

America has more freedom, more wealth, and a big ass military, opportunity. Meanwhile, Chinese citizens can only invest in real estate and you don't even own the home you buy, only leases.

Wow. Hits home.

>Destroys China

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ouch lmao
This Town's Finished!

dubs user you don't have to be so harsh on the Americans. I mean its true but Jesus man they needed a slapdown not a bullet between the eyes

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>more freedom
This isn't 1960, silly retard.
You can't say 90% of the things people worldwide can due to cancel culture and corporate control. In terms of practical freedom there really isn't much.
>more wealth
For people in the upper class, like everywhere? The American dream for the masses is long gone and its all poorfaggot and permarenters. Actually they might even be worse off since affordability of actual things is lower.
>big ass military
Yea, blowing up some goatherder really helps you, right?

Attached: oLKPKn36btaLVS.jpg (1280x720, 548.85K)

>More Freedom
You do not have the same freedom as an entrepreneur in China as you do in America. Cancel culture is a nothing burger, the pendulum swings back and forth, people are already tired of cancel culture, I think it peaked in 2016.
>more wealth
Yes, most of the money is in the 1%. However, the same is true in China. In fact, China has way worse wealth inequality and more poor people.
>big ass military
Our military makes our dollar powerful globally.

>can't call people a nigger in public or you will get cyberbullied by people on Twitter
>can't post a picture of Winnie the pooh or you get taken to a concentration camp and your organs harvested
China stronk

>cant say shit about winnie the pooh / gov
>cant say shit about blacks, jews, homosexuals, transexuals, women, autists, etc etc or you get removed from the financial system, destroyed on social media, and systemically banned from ever making a decent living
Wow its sooo different user!
You are truly Free(tm).

Chinese/Russian cope is hilarious. It's like their entire culture revolves around coping with the fact that they'll never be as powerful/rich as the US or even EU.