He hasn't moved to Alaska

>he hasn't moved to Alaska

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>making enough money to have to worry about taxes
ngmi. take the minimalism pill, consumer pig.

>income tax
i don't work faggot

based, momma and dadda going to take care of me until the day they die

Fuck off we're full.
Some blacks moved to Anchorage in the 90s and 80% of the state's homicides are from their descendants in one neighborhood


WTF, this isn't even accurate. Texas isn't listed at all but has no income tax and 6.25% sale tax. It could be #3 or #4.

Surprised WA didn't make the list of most tax friendly states since it doesn't have an income tax

>worrying about how much tax you have to pay
I thought we were all quadrillionares. Even if tax was 99.99% of your income the remaining 0.01% should still be enough to buy lambos and yatches every month and still have leftover enough to feed the whole world for centuries if you wanted to.

OP is a misinformed fag that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Everything in Alaska is imported and expensive as fuck. If you’re wildypilled then go ahead, but if that were true you’d already be there.

Some of us don't like the government taking our hard earned money and time. Rationalize it all you want you cuck

What a garbage list, New Hampshire isnt even on there

You're an idiot if you think paying an extra $1 for a gallon of milk is worse than giving up 6% of your income in taxes.

i watched some spooky scary stories on the insane amount of people who get disappeared in alaska and the strange sightings and not im scareded to go

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Texas has high property taxes dingdong. Texas tax policy is only great if you're a corporation.

probably because they get killed by bears. just dont be retarded

Sure, but the other obvious flaw with the graph is that it doesn't account for property tax. Also how is high property tax good for corporations, they pay a way larger share than individuals usually

High taxes and socialism are good though CHUD!

>hard earned

Property taxes are a burden for the average person. They are a a drop in a bucket for corporations. They go there because there is no corporate income tax.

Fuck off, we're full.

I feel like you might be underestimating how significant 1.8% property taxes are, but it's not my field of expertise.