I'm getting 17k in a few weeks

After a nigger ruined my life, this is the pittance I get for it.

I don't even care anymore, I realized everything I touch turns to garbage, I'll never make it nor would I even with this money coming.

I've been so poor this entire time waiting I forgot what happiness is even like.

I'm thinking about quietly depositing into my brothers account and killing myself.
Not even larping I can't find happiness anymore, everything around me is garbage and I know if I try I'll just lose it and kill myself anyway.

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Interesting take. there is help available that can rapidly alleviate your suffering and mold a way of thinking while you feel well towards fulfilling the basic needs in your life you may be unaware of. make friends with them and see how it goes

Quit your self sabotage mentality user, it's not a good mindset. Your likely obsession of "making it" financially is obscuring your happiness. Follow and believe in Jesus Christ and gain eternal life. Throwing your life away because you're not good at investing or gambling money is a bad idea.

im sure u can ruin his even worse for half that and you should.

You should do some ketamine therapy or something if you want to kill yourself. You've got to reinvent your life bud, rooting for you

Story of life ruining? Also invest in GME before its too late.

Can you venmo me some $50?

Join JUNO corps
It stands for
Joint Union for Nigger Obliteration
You'll Need 100 Juno tokens to join

Damn user. Send the 17k my way king. putting it all into bitDAO. and I'll send your brother 100k in a few years.

What happened that causes you to get this payout?

Are you the user that lived on the edge of a ghetto and some nogs crashed into your car and injured you, and then they'd hang outside your house trying to intimidate you? There was an user with that story last year, sucked desu.

Wtf are you talking about OP.
Buy a few ounces of gold, lock it away so it's safe from inflation and then go bit the craps table at Atlantic city/Las Vegas and have some fun.
Don't be a fucking retard.

if you want a calculated high risk high reward play just go all in radix and wait a couple of years, worth a try

Yes that's me it's a total shit position and they did permanent brain damage to me and got away with it, not home right now

To the other anons asking me for money I literally have none right now I'm not giving you anything

Drop the story on us OP. Be honest and don't hold back. We're here for you bro

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Don't tell us your story, OP. People will call you a faggot and it'll just make you feel worse.

I'll say this though; consider taking a small vacation. You dont need to spend 999999 thousand on one of those. You can always just backpack travel and be frugal as shit and only spend like 300/400 bucks on a NORMAL plane ticket to somewhere interesting in the world. Believe it or not that kinda thing can really alleviate a lot of issues you might be having. It did for me anyway and my mother passed away eight months ago. It really did help me when I was considering not just killing myself but killing others in the process

As this user said it's not going to help my situation telling you but QRD I got hit and ran by a nigger without insurance and they got away with it and I was left with permanent life changing disabilities including a major tbi that fucked up my ability to speak which was my only real talent and destroyed my neck and back.
I'm working right now why my ID keeps flipping posted from my computer before leaving work

Find him and kill him. 17k is a fucking pittance and is not justice, kill this man before you leave earth

It's a woman and she's being protected by police they refuse to give her name so I can't even file a civil suit
This is such a nigger answer I can't believe I even have to explain why
>Gee go hurt the person who was investigated for manslaughter and ruin your families life

Well, at least I can leave this thread knowing I’m not a cripple who will let Jewish golems torture me while I’m a passive observer of my own ruin

This is exactly why I don't bother explaining shit
>We are here for you!
How does lowering myself to nigger tier justice when literally I'd be the first and primary suspect in a police state.