Holy fucking shit

They fucking killed Corsola instead of giving it a standard new form

Attached: Corsola-Galarian-Johtonian-Featured-Image.jpg (1710x900, 116.66K)

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They did the same to zorua.

To be fair UK's sea is a fucking dumpster so it fits perfectly

This is how I feel whenever someone suggests a Ghost-type Eeveelution. In most cases it really just has some negative connotations.

Shut up faggot.

No we killed coral in the 25 year life of pokemon. Honestly this is exciting! Think of all the other species of animals that pokemon are based off right now that are going extinct that could get future regional variants.

Like rhydon could evolve into a ghost rock pokemon and be designed infinitely better than his construction worker cousin.

Then the following gen when packagers go extinct we can get ghost Copperaja and Donphan. Dope!

Corsola sounds like she is always getting raped


Somehow I had forgotten that the Pokémon say their own names in human voices in the anime.
I cannot believe adults actually watch this shit.

>Espeon uses tackle
>"that's a really strong move Sakura!"
>strong move
>coming from an Espeon
>on a Corsola
there's a general that kills several threads every day in this board dedicated to this disaster of a cartoon, what the actual fuck is wrong with people

i'd say it's more of a toilet

poor corsola. still friend shaped tho

>friend shaped

/t/umblr is dead just like galarian corsola

Does coral irl serve any purpose whatsoever?
I feel that people only like it because "it looks pretty" and not because it provides any tangible benefits.

Attached: dead_coral.jpg (612x408, 93.21K)

i think it's cute. not something i really watch but it can be sweet. kinda thing you get stoned and watch with your friends late at night.

Fish use it as shelter.

Coral provides an ecosystem for several other pictures as well as affects the balance of certain chemicals/minerals in the ocean.


Attached: Team Rocket Dawnb.jpg (500x708, 63.67K)

Do video games serve any purpose whatsoever?

Most diverse biosystems on the planet.

go fuck yourself

Based dreamer.

I don't do drugs.

Dou you serve any purpose irl whatsoever?

>omg WE killed corsols

Attached: 0802DB24-E00C-4545-85AC-5641E5428593.jpg (1149x535, 117.43K)