>Ethereum: 15 TPS
>Hedera: 10,000 TPS

>Ethereum foundation: dumps on investors. Doesnt fund ecosystem development
>HBAR foundation: allocated more than half a billion for sustainable project development ($250 million metaverse fund, $155 DeFi fund, $100 sustainability impact fund, $60 million Fintech fund)

>Ethereum: barely any businesses and institutions working with it. Very inefficient and unsustainable
>Hedera: has some of the most influential major companies of the world on their council (Google, IBM, Boeing, LG, UbiSoft) and theyre all funding HBAR foundation in order to expand the ecosystem

Attached: HBAR-ETH.jpg (1053x1600, 48.72K)

prices dont "pump" because of usage, but because of securities fraud


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the only true threat to Leemons divine creation. I believe in the holy hashgraph

ethereum is decentralized. hedera isnt

layer 1/, roll ups and base layers are last gen techs. They have no place in an asic multi chain world. Like why the fuck should anybody subsidize base layer validators, they add nothing, in fact if a dapp becomes too popular they become a burden, a security risk and leeches. dxdy got it, but choose the most retarded way to implement it

you clearly don't understand the raw power of the Holy Hash. Gods gossip about gossip. Leemon (pbuh) will bring divinity to us all

this isnt 2019 son. no one cares about this shit anymore. people care about adoption and so far hedera is winning in that sector
so many major companies like google, ubisoft and LG are working with HBAR foundation to build on hedera

No Eth proponent is stupid enough to waste their time on this.

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why should any user or dapp, perfectly capable on running their ow chain without having to be constrained by a third party rent seeker token ponzi?

have fun getting dumped on by your own foundation

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my son this is bigger than your earthly chains. this is the holy hashgraph. the one true divine invention. a blessing from Leemon (pbuh) himself.

stop trying, ever base layer in itself is just a ponzi, btc a bit less than the obvious ones like eth, algo, dot, sol, avax and so forth

ima be real with chu nigga, you dumb as a bitch

Name 1 (one) unique/innovative dApp deployed there.

The selling pressure EF creates is minimal compared to the market.

algo would have been in the top 5 by now if they had some funds thrown into the ecosystem

im no fan of hedera but OP is correct. love em or hate em the foundation is funding the ecosystem with a ton of money

still idk if hedera will benefit from this

>buy my bags or else you stupid
ever dapp that has any usefulness and achieves relevant traffic is going asic, inevitable, eth might end as a live test net

asic sounds kinda gay to me

he has come

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blockchains cant scale while staying reasonably decentralized, mathematical fact
Using ponzinomic to incentivize securing a chain will always create third party rent seekers, mev heads
third party rent seekers are always going to hinder growth

Its just the next rational step

so basically you're saying that its okay if EF dumps on your sorry ass
>the absolute state of ETH maxis

hbar foundation could never

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its a HASHGRAPH not blockchain

>>Hedera: 10,000 TPS
Proof? Not talking whitepaper BS. Live network.