Wageslave 40 hour weeks for 2 200 EUR net

>Wageslave 40 hour weeks for 2 200 EUR net
>... or be a NEET for 1 100 EUR net
Wow, what a financial conundrum

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I'm a neet for 2500 EUR net in Pattaya

I go to Walmart now and there's nothing but a bunch of out of town niggers working there to please their parole officers.

you're setup to make it user, how are you in this position?

I earn 6000 € (minus 50% tax). How the fuck can you get less than that?

>and then euro tanks

How can I get free money. I've been neeting on my own dime

What is neet

american 100% disabled vet bro checking in, $3300/mo tax free from uncle sam, also get food stamps from the state, comfy bros

If you're a burger, tough luck because you live in a thirld world country. If you're european, you're retarded if you don't know how to get income support.

>50% tax

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a free man

Based Corn syrup ZOGgolem

>50% tax
why would you even work at that point

go back to writing your kiked NYtimes propaganda faggot boomerlist

The NEET trump cars used to be they never had to go anywhere and could lie around shitposting and playing vidya all day. However, thanks to WFH, the rest of us get to do that shit for multiples of what these losers get. And without our parents being embarrassed by us. Stay mad, NEETs.

Europe sounds like a dystopia if you're not a somali rapefugee or mental defective

Easy choice

It is indeed a dystopia. Work doesn't pay so you can expect to wageslave full time until you are 70 (75) since the prospect of early retirement isn't feasible here.

Don't you have rent to pay? That plus utilities could already be in the 800s and then you'd probably have only a very shitty place to live.

>please work and pay taxes, you can even stay home or our ponzi crashes