CM Punk stuck in limbo again

CM Punk stuck in limbo again

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>nooooo you can’t just have a wrestling match on a wrestling show

why is it the bad wrestler fighting punk?

cm punk and a hecking jobberino? THANK YOU TONY I FEEL LIKE A KID AGAIN! just like when punk was in wwecw and I was 29!!

Needs to wait for the Adam vs Adam feud to end so he can feud for the title

he could always go back to getting raped in UFC

>Caster finna rap about Punk

Would you rather he get his grind to the championship on dark and elevation? Also here you go for the people in the dark thread saying they should have max on dynamite to make a will smith joke

Kek nice self burial

>Have Punk, Bryan, Moxley, Miro, Darby Allin, FTR, Kenny Omega
>do nothing or make them face random jobbers

Fuck this company

i hope he rhymes "AJ LEE" with "QUEEF PEE"

Max Caster raps are the draw for me

that's cringe, max would never

AJ Lee/UFC was right there dimwit.

Another hotshot so Cuck Man can bury young talent and get a fake pop from the crowd.

He's wrestling for the rankings now, he even did the title motion last week, it's clear that Hangman vs Cole is happening at battle of the belts 2 and Hangman vs Punk will be the main event at DON

So Punk can beat him up for whatever Max raps about, duh

wtf is going on here
punk's nipple got a family

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if he doesn't bring up UFC he's a pussy

If he doesn’t shout Mike, he’s a pussy faggot

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Do you ever stop seething over punk?

it'd be based if max shoots hard on cuckman phil, unfortunately this is post reeducation camp caster

The Will Smith joke is inevitable

Max is booked because hes doing a Will Smith line

Top Guys vs Jobbers every week. It's all so tiresome

Kek, did Max take advice from one of the posters here and actually shaved the hair on his stomach?

Max already brought up his ufc career and punk no sold it. Caster might since its not as embarrassing as Any Forums thinks it is