/pug/ - Pokémon Unite General

Pokémon UNITE is a 5v5 MOBA where the objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.


>Information (right side for links)

Delphox (June 9th)

- Espeon was released!
- Minor events: serebii.net/pokemonunite/events.shtml
- Patch notes: serebii.net/pokemonunite/patch.shtml

Previous thread:

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First for cutest attacker!

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Expert to Vet 2 is horrifying.

I went on a ten-game win-streak yesterday then got cucked by this bastard Gengar and is butt-buddy Spinstoise that shat on our entire team.
Just keep playing until you lose, then stop for the day.

If I'm going to be griefed every match might as well be the griefer myself

One win away from 1800 elo, all from solo, and the special ed Blastoise and Lucario squad come in. Lost the one after that too, sick. Add me if you're not retarded, thanks.


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Name a more iconic duo than
>cindernigger backcaps at 1:30
>his entire team dies on zapdos 4v5

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Greninja backcap

Well, I don't have the qualifications to help you on your journey but I do wish you the best of luck. It's a fucked up world out there.

I'd actually pay to have matchmaking force these guys onto the enemy team and not mine.
It's an impossible feature, but I would pay.

Same user, it was a nice change since a few games ago I had a grenigger+eldegoss both backcap same goal, we still won but it was annoying

That’s what I just did. That lost killed me because no one knew when or how to attack Zap.

>espeon with 2 kill streak
nice edit

where the fuck is your base goal


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It briefly disappears when your first t2 goal breaks

>lane owl
I'm so tired of this shit

Owl can do fine in lane.

who told you this lie?

When do you think they will add the role select feature for ranked like wild rift/LoL has? And the ability to end the match and not lose anything if a team mate is afk/afks early???

>instalocks jungle every game and doesn't budge
argh why doesn't our team accommodate and build themselves around ME every time?

Cinderace MVP

I want the ability to end the game immediately if I see one of the following:
lane rowlet/gastly/absol/charmander/scorbunny
after all we won't win anyways